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I always need names :D And the kind of names I use is random words from like the dictionary and ect. <br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">RULES</span><br>They HAVE to be real;<br>They have to have a meaning;<br>You also must be willing to let me use that word [take it] for naming;<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Examples;;</span><br>Defenestrate<br>Agnomen<br>Crapulous<br>Doppelganger<br><br><br>Now that you get it.. Hopefully XD;; we'll get down to the prizes and how to win. <span style="text-decoration:underline"> HOW to win</span>;; There will be a end date at the bottom;; AND basicly who ever gets more names[words]; WINS. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Prizes</span><br>1st place;; Unmade Dye<br>2nd place;; 4 MIL<br>3rd place;; 1.7 MIL<br><br>[unmade dye reffs; paranoid thoughts, bobcat, dogtrainer101]<br><br>END DATE;; FEBRUARY 1ST;; THERE MUST BE MORE then 1,000 names [words] entered.<br><br><span style="font-size:75"><br>will continue over and over until gotten to 1,000 or more;;</span><br><br><br><span style="font-size:150">LIST;;</span><br>RacerFastRosy;; 48<br>riK9-5;; 5<br>Kesra;; 54<br>Jalio;; 13<br>Katie;; 0<br>Tiffer;; 1<br>Clozo;; 261<br>Brittsy;; 50<br>Dogtrainer;; 120<br>Blur;; 693


  • *= my favorites<br>obsequious: servilely attentive; fawning<br>miasma: a thick vaporous atmosphere, often noxious<br>puissant: powerful<br>lucubration: nocturnal study<br>quaff: to drink with relish<br>*megalomania: a mental disorder characterized by delusions of grandeur<br>gauche: lacking social polish; tactless<br>*euphonious: pleasing or sweet in sound<br>rusticate: to go or send to the country<br>palaver: idle talk<br>tendentious: marked by a strong tendency in favor of a particular point of view<br>*termagant: a scolding, nagging, bad-tempered woman<br>embonpoint: plumpness of person<br>ignoramus: an ignorant person; a dunce<br>suasion: the act of persuading<br>*neologism: a new word or expression; the use or creation of new words or expressions<br>doyen: the senior member of a body or group<br>redoubtable: formidable<br>pernicious: deadly; destructive; exceedingly harmful<br>aegis: a shield; protection<br>abecedarian: pertaining to the alphabet<br>olla podrida: a kind of seasoned stew<br>stentorian: extremely loud<br>proselytize: to convert (someone) to another religion, belief, etc<br>sacrosanct: sacred<br>funereal: pertaining to or suiting a funeral<br>*flibbertigibbet: a silly, flighty, or excessively talkative person<br>efface: to cause to disappear by rubbing out, striking out, etc<br>excursus: a digression<br>fungible: interchangeable<br>dyspeptic: pertaining to or having indigestion<br>neophyte: a novice<br>melange: a mixture<br>*cerebration: the act or product of thinking<br>limn: to draw or paint<br>vapid: flat; dull; spiritless<br>bellicose: inclined to or favoring war or strife<br>*billet-doux: a love letter<br>contrite: feeling or expressing grief and regret for sins or offenses<br>lacuna: a blank space; a missing part<br>avuncular: resembling an uncle, as in kindness or indulgence<br>*nebbish: a weak-willed, timid, or ineffectual person<br>cadge: to beg; to sponge<br>minatory: threatening; menacing<br>quietus: final acquittance, as from deb<br>invective: insulting or abusive language<br>puckish: whimsical; mischievous; impish<br>abulia: loss or impairment of the ability to act or to make decisions<br><br><br>That's 50, right? Some where around there... Hope you like them!
  • i counted 48 butttt im only on for a minute before homework starts;; <br><br>ill trust you with 50 :] your name is updated. <br>i love the words XD
  • Avenaceous - oaty, or pertaining to oats<br>Crepuscular - active at dawn or dusk<br>Renake - to take back<br>Incondite - badly put together<br>Opprobrium - scorn or contempt.<br><br>That's all i got...and its certainly not 50 :) enjoy!!
    I'M LEAVING. If i owe you anything PM me. If you want some of my stuff go HERE >> ... highlight=
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">Eclectic- Choosing the best from different options<br>Palindrome- A word that is the same no matter which way you read it<br>Tenebrous- Sad or dark<br>Nescience- No knownledge<br>Seriatim- In an order<br>Tyro- Novice<br>Abberant- Strange<br>Sobriquet- Nickname<br>Aestival- Belongs to summer<br>Triskaidekaphobia- Fear of the number 13<br> <br>=D</span></span>
  • Soo manny XD<br><br>i lovee them!! :] <br><br> :arrow: :arrow:
  • PRIZES UPDATED :]<br><br>1st place unmade dye;;
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">Tchotchke- a trinket<br>Supercilious- arrogant<br>Trucelent- savage<br>Celerity- swift or quick<br>Supernumerary- exceeding a number<br>Mendacious- false<br>Quiescent- inactive</span></span>
  • thanks Kesra :] totaled up your number and its updated.
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">Apothegm- a saying<br>Flummox- to confuse<br>Obsequious- attentive<br>Equanminity- calm<br>Contradistinction- contrast distinction<br>Milieu- setting<br>Lexicography- the writing of dictionaries<br>Apparition- ghost<br>Rebarbative- irritating<br>Limn- to paint or draw<br>Mimetic- to copy<br>Histrionic- a performance</span></span>
  • Aatos Mr Thought <br>Ahmanheimo- A tribe of people called the Wolverines.<br>Aikomus - someone who wants attention<br>Aitamurto- a person that breaks fences <br>Aito - very genuine <br>Alhainen- someone that thinks thereself as low<br>Eväs - a lunch box <br>Happo - an acid . <br>Harja - a broom for sweeping Haukipää Mr Pike head <br>Hauska- a comedian <br>Hauta - a Grave <br>Haveri - a shipwreck <br>Heikkonen - a weak person<br><br>I'm not sure what language that is in though and the meanings might not be perfectily right but there close. :D
  • Sorry I didnt Put the meanings, the baby book i have didnt have them it was stupid....... <br><br><br>Adah <br>Adonia <br>Alike<br>Alina <br>Andromeda <br>Anika <br>Beaumont <br>Beauregard <br>Belinda <br>Blinda <br>Bonita <br>Cainell <br>Calantha <br>Calisla<br>Callia <br>Calliope <br>Ceindrech <br>Christabel <br>Dorinda <br>Ellan<br>Ella <br>Farrah <br>Gamil <br>Gamila <br>Glenys <br>Hamilton <br>Harmony <br>Ilona <br>Isabis <br>Jacinda <br>Jamil <br>Jamila<br>Keelia<br>Keely <br>Kennis <br>Khazbiika<br>Kitoko <br>Lewa <br>Lolonyo <br>Maha <br>Maleah <br>Miroslav <br>Miyoko <br>Naveen <br>Noya <br>Olathe<br>Ramya <br>Shaina <br>Shaine <br>Adriaan<br>Titia<br>Skyler<br>Synneva<br>Norge<br>Kjersti<br>Freja<br>Evinrude<br>Bjorn<br>Mateusz<br>Marek<br>Kysa<br>Linnea<br>Kerstin<br>Poston<br>Kestrel<br>Richelle<br>Rodger<br>Abban <br>Abracham <br>Adare <br>Addergoole <br>Aderrig <br>Adhamh <br>Aeary <br>Aghaderg <br>Aghamore <br>Aghy <br>Aguistin <br>Ahane <br>Aidrian <br>Ailfrid <br>Ailin <br>Aindreas <br>Aineislis <br>Ainmire <br>Alahhaois <br>Alhan <br>Alphonsus <br>Alroy <br>Alsandair <br>Amblaoibh <br>Ambros <br>Amhlaoibh <br>Amnchadh <br>Anlon <br>Anluan <br>Anmcha <br>Annaduff <br>Anntoin <br>Aodhfin <br>Aodhfionn <br>Aralt <br>Ardagh <br>Ardkill <br>ArIyn <br>Artegal <br>Assan <br>Auley <br>Auliffe <br>Avonmore <br>Awnan <br>Ayden <br>Baethan <br>Bailintin <br>Bairrfhoinn <br>Ballinamore <br>Ballindeny <br>Banbhan <br>Barram <br>Beamard <br>Beartlaidh <br>Benen <br>Beolagh <br>Birr <br>Blar <br>Blathma <br>Blian <br>Bohannon <br>Bonnar <br>Bowie <br>Bradaigh <br>Bradey <br>Brandubh <br>Branduff <br>Branigan <br>Brannan <br>Brannen <br>Brannon <br>Branson <br>Braoin <br>Breasal <br>Brenden <br>Brendon <br>Brenn <br>Brennen <br>Brennon <br>Breslin <br>Briar <br>Brody <br>Brone <br>Bryne <br>Buach <br>Buagh <br>Cacanisius <br>Cace <br>Caffar <br>Cagney <br>Cahir <br>Cailym <br>Caiseal <br>Caith <br>Calbhach <br>Caley <br>Calhoun <br>Callaghan <br>Callahan <br>Callough <br>Calvagh <br>Caly <br>Camren <br>Canice <br>Caolaidhe <br>Caolan <br>Caomh <br>Carraig <br>Carrick <br>Carthach <br>Carthage <br>Case <br>Cashel <br>Cass <br>Cassian <br>Cathmor <br>Cathmore <br>Cavan <br>Ceallach <br>Ceallachan <br>Cearnach <br>Cein <br>Celsus <br>Cian <br>Cianan <br>Ciarrai <br>Cillian <br>Cinneide <br>Clancy <br>Cluny <br>Cochlain <br>Coghlan <br>Coilin <br>Coillcumhann <br>CoireaIl <br>Colla <br>Colm <br>Colmcille <br>Columbo <br>Coman <br>Comhghan <br>Comyn <br>Conaire <br>Conary <br>Conchobhar <br>Conlan <br>Conleth <br>Conley <br>Connacht <br>Conner <br>Connlaio <br>Connolly <br>Connor <br>Conny <br>Conor <br>Cooey <br>Cooley <br>Coolie <br>Cooney <br>Corbmac <br>Corcoran <br>Corin <br>Corlan <br>Cormack <br>Cormic <br>Cormick <br>Cornelius <br>Corran <br>Corren <br>Corrin <br>Costello <br>Coughlan <br>Covey <br>Cowan <br>Cowen <br>Cowyn <br>Coyle <br>Creedon <br>Crevan <br>Crogher <br>Crohoore <br>Cronan <br>Crowley <br>Cruadhlaoich <br>Cuanaic <br>Cullan <br>Cullin <br>Cullo <br>Culum <br>Cumhea <br>Curran <br>CuUladh <br>Cuyler <br>Daeg <br>Daegan <br>Dagen <br>Dahy <br>Daibheid <br>Daimhin <br>Daire <br>Daithi <br>Dal <br>Dalan <br>Dallan <br>Dallen <br>Dallin <br>Dallon <br>Dalon <br>Damon <br>Daric <br>Darick <br>Darragh <br>Darrick <br>Darroch <br>Darrock <br>Darry <br>Dary <br>Davie <br>Dawayne <br>Deaglan <br>Declan <br>Deegan <br>Deoradhain <br>Dermod <br>Devine <br>Devland <br>Devlin <br>Devlon <br>Devlyn <br>Dewayne <br>Dolan <br>Donahue <br>Donavan <br>Donavon <br>Donegan <br>Donell <br>Donnan <br>Donnel <br>Donnell <br>Dow <br>Dowan <br>Dowle <br>Duante <br>Duayne <br>Dubg <br>Dubhagain <br>Dubhan <br>DubhgMl <br>Duggan <br>Duwayne <br>Dwain <br>Dwaine <br>Dwane <br>Dwyer <br>Dylen <br>Eachan <br>Eagan <br>Eagon <br>Eames <br>Earc <br>Earnan <br>Eason <br>Eimar <br>Eimhin <br>Eman <br>Enda <br>Enos <br>Eoghan <br>Eoin Baiste <br>Erc <br>Eth <br>Euan <br>Evoy <br>Fachnan <br>Faelen <br>Fahey <br>Fahy <br>FaIIon <br>Fallamhain <br>Faolan <br>Fardoragh <br>Farry <br>Feich <br>Felan <br>Ferrell <br>FIannan <br>Fineen <br>Finghin <br>Finlay <br>Finneen <br>Finnegan <br>Finnian <br>Finnin <br>Fionan <br>Fionnbarr <br>FIynn <br>Flainn <br>Flanagan <br>Flann <br>Flannagain <br>Flannagan <br>Flannery <br>Flinn <br>Floinn <br>Flyn <br>Flynn <br>Fogartaigh <br>Fogarty <br>Fogerty <br>Foley <br>Forba <br>Ga!l <br>Gadhra <br>Gaffney <br>Gaige <br>Gaile <br>Gairbith <br>Gallagher <br>Gara <br>Garbhan <br>Garran <br>Garrity <br>Garvan <br>Garve <br>Garvey <br>Gearoid <br>Geraghty <br>Geralt <br>Gikhrist <br>Gilbride <br>Gildea <br>Gilibeirt <br>Gilley <br>Gilvarry <br>Giolla Chriost <br>Giollabrighde <br>Giollabuidhe <br>Giolladhe <br>Glaleanna <br>Gofraidh <br>Gogarty <br>Golligan <br>Gormain <br>Gorman <br>Gorrie <br>Gorry <br>Gothfraidh <br>Grady <br>Greagoir <br>Griffin <br>Grioghar <br>Hagan <br>Hanlon <br>Hanraoi <br>Harrington <br>Hegarty <br>Hennessy <br>Hickey <br>Hiero <br>Higgins <br>Hogan <br>Hoireabard <br>Hrothrehr <br>Hughes <br>Hungas <br>Hurley <br>Inerney <br>Iniss <br>Innes <br>Inys <br>Jarlath <br>Kaelen <br>Kagan <br>Kagen <br>Kavan <br>Kaven <br>Keagan <br>Kealan <br>Keallach <br>Kealy <br>Kean <br>Kearn <br>Kearne <br>Keefe <br>Keenon <br>Keiran <br>Keith <br>Kelan <br>Kellach <br>Kelleher <br>Kelly <br>Kenan <br>Kennelly <br>Kenny <br>Keon <br>Kerrigan <br>Keven <br>Keveon <br>Kevinn <br>Kevion <br>Kevis <br>Kevon <br>Kevron <br>Kian <br>Kienan <br>Kiernan <br>Kieron <br>Kildaire <br>Kildare <br>Kile <br>Killdaire <br>Kinsella <br>Konnyr <br>Kye <br>Kylan <br>Kylar <br>Kyle <br>Kylen <br>Kyler <br>Kyrell <br>Lakeland <br>Lalor <br>Lany <br>Laoghaire <br>Laoidhigh <br>Laughlin <br>Leachlainn <br>Leary <br>Leathlobhair <br>Lennon <br>Liam <br>Lochlain <br>Lochlann <br>Loman <br>Lorcan <br>Loughlin <br>Lugaidh <br>Lun <br>Lunn <br>Lyam <br>Macartan <br>MacAuliffe <br>MacBride <br>MacCormack <br>MacElroy <br>MacMaureadhaigh <br>MacMurra <br>MacQuaid <br>Madden <br>Maduley <br>Maeleachlainn <br>Maelisa <br>Magee <br>Mago <br>Maher <br>Mahon <br>Mahoney <br>Mainchin <br>Malloy <br>Malone <br>Maloney <br>Mane <br>Mannix <br>Mannuss <br>Manus <br>Maolruadhan <br>Maonaigh <br>Marcas <br>Maughold <br>Maximus <br>Mccoy <br>Meadhra <br>Meara <br>Melrone <br>Micheal <br>Mogue <br>Molan <br>Molloy <br>Monohan <br>Mooney <br>Morain <br>Moran <br>Moriarty <br>Morrissey <br>Muircheartaigh <br>Muireadhach <br>Mukonry <br>Mulcahy <br>Mundy <br>Murchadh <br>Murphey <br>Murphy <br>Murrough <br>Murtaugh <br>Naal <br>Nally <br>Naomhan <br>Neason <br>Neilan <br>Nessan <br>Nevan <br>Nevyn <br>Nolen <br>Nolyn <br>Nulte <br>Nulty <br>O' <br>O'brian <br>O'brien <br>O'keefe <br>O'shay <br>O'shea <br>Odanodan <br>Odhran <br>Odran <br>Oengus <br>Ossian <br>Padraic <br>Padraig <br>Padriac <br>Padric <br>Plaise <br>Quaid <br>Queran <br>Quigley <br>Quinlan <br>Rafferty <br>Raghnall <br>Raighne <br>Roark <br>Torrian <br>Toryn <br>Traigh <br>Treabhar <br>Treacy <br>Treasach <br>Treasigh <br><br><br>I have a lot... 606 ..... It took me Forever to type them! Like 4 hours :shock: ! It wasnt even half of the names i had in my book though, as you can tell ive worked hard..... Hope you enjoy them :D
  • Lockland<br>Means Lake in scottish
  • edited January 2009
    Aerumnous - Full of Trouble <br>Agathokakological - Made up of Both Good and Evil <br>Agrestic - Rude <br>Airling - A Young Thoughtless Person <br>Alacrity - Cheerful Willingness <br>Alpenglow - A Rosy Glow Seen Near Sunset or Sunrise on the Summits of Mountains <br>Amative - Pertaining to Love; Amorous <br>Ambisinistrous - Clumsy <br>Ameliorate - To Make Better, to Improve <br>Anachorism - Something out of Place in or Foreign to a Country <br>Anguine - Snakelike <br>Apolaustic - Devoted to Enjoyment <br>Apropos - Fitting, Appropriate <br>Ardor - A Great Warmth of Feeling; Fervor; Passion <br>Behemoth - A Great and Mighty Beast <br>Buffaloing - Deceiving or Hoodwinking <br>Cachinnator - One Who Laughs Too Often or Too Loud <br>Cacophony - A Mix of Discordant Sounds <br>Celerity - Speed <br>Clandestine - Done or Kept in Secret <br>Concinnous - Harmonious; Fit, Elegant <br>Coruscate - To Give off Light; to Reflect in Flashes; to Sparkle <br>Czigany - Gypsy <br>Doyen - One Who is Uniquely Skilled As a Result of Long Experience <br>Favonian - Of or Relating to the West Wind <br>Felicificability - Capacity for Happiness <br>Hedonism - The Belief That Happiness is the Highest Good in Life <br>Hullabaloo - An Uproar or Fuss <br>Jocoserious - Half Serious and Half in Jest <br>Jocular - Humorous or Amusing <br>Lamia - Female Enchantress or Demon <br>Mellifluous - Flowing With Honey or Sweetness <br>Nefarious - Infamous for Being Wicked <br>Oeuvre - A Work of Art <br>Panurgic - Ready for Anything <br>Preternatural - Surpassing the Normal, Extraordinary <br>Psithurism - The Whispering of Leaves Moved by the Wind <br>Puissant - Powerful, Mighty, Having Authority <br>Pulchritudinous - Having Great Physical Beauty or Appeal <br>Sabulous - Sandy <br>Salient - Prominent, Worthy of Note; Pertinent or Relevant <br>Sapient - Wise; Pretending to Be Wise <br>Selcouth - Unusual, Strange, Wonderful<br>Solivagant - A Person Who Wanders Alone <br>Tchotchke - A Trinket; a Knick-knack <br>Tripudiate - To Dance, Skip or Leap With Excitement <br><br>I think thats 46... fixed it :D <br>will add more later<br><br>Oh and sorry if there are any repeats...!
  • *whips forhead* PHEWW katie. I'll trust your word theres 606. XD I'm not going to bother counting. <br>p.s.;; Hope you don't mind me calling you Katie?<br><br>Jalio.. Thank you :] your added<br><br>Tiffer;; added :]<br><br>Clozo;; [Is it okay if i call you that?] Added and all updated XD and also you had 46 XP<br><br>RacerFastRosy;; 48<br>riK9-5;; 5<br>Kesra;; 29<br>Jalio;; 13<br>Katie;; 606<br>Tiffer;; 1<br>Clozo;; 46
  • Dayton - Bright and Sunny Town <br>Gisli - Ray of Sunshine <br>Kirit - Shining Like the Sun <br>Solaris - Of the Sun <br>Meztli - Moon <br>Ming Yue - Bright Moon <br>Yue - Moon <br>Alta - Tall and Lofty <br>Beagan - Small <br>Cheche - Small Thing <br>Coty - Small Slope <br>Keegan - Small and Fiery <br>Keir - Black <br>Candide - White <br>Kei - White <br>Atl - Water <br>Chelan - Deep Water <br>Inna - Strong Water <br>Minnesota - Sky-Colored Water<br>Misu - Ripples in the Water <br>Moana - Wide Expanse of Water <br>Qing Yuan - Deep Water <br>Shui - Water <br>Wisconsin - Gathering of Waters <br>Yaxha - Green Water<br>Okeanos - Body of Water Surrounding the Earth <br>Tarin - Of the Earth <br>Terran - Of the Earth <br>Tu - Earth <br>Aquinnah - High Land <br>Elam - Highland <br>Landry - Land Ruler <br>Lorant - Famous Land <br>Aidan - Little Fire <br>Huo - Fire <br>Keahi - Fire <br>Nuri - My Fire <br>Phyre - Fire <br>Pyralis - Of Fire <br>Uri - Fire <br>Xipil - Of Fire <br>Xiuhcoatl - Fire Serpent <br>Umkoome - Ice <br>Izo - Ice<br>Bora - Snow <br>Hau Kea - Snow <br>Nevada - Snow-Covered <br>Setsuna - Calm Snow <br>Yuki - Snow <br>Awendela - Daylight <br>Diya - Light <br>Kiran - Ray of Light <br>Luz - Light <br>Nuru - Light <br>Orly - Your are my Light <br>Ziya - Light <br>Carey - Dark One <br>Delaney - Dark Challenger <br>Daray - Dark <br>Keeran - Little Dark One <br>Mo - Dark Skinned <br>Shyama - The Dark <br>Tamesis - Dark One <br>Tynan - Dark <br><br>phew.. <br>these are all from different languages and are to do with the earth :D <br><br>i counted 64<br> :shock: that makes my total so far 110! :D
  • Updated XD thanks;;
  • Mahgic wrote:
    *whips forhead* PHEWW katie. I'll trust your word theres 606. XD I'm not going to bother counting. <br>p.s.;; Hope you don't mind me calling you Katie?<br><br>i dont mind :D
  • Aabhal Sparkling <br>Aabharika One with an aura <br>Aabhas Realization <br>Aachit Charged<br>Aadesh Instruction <br>Aadi First, beginning... <br>Aadishwara Supreme being<br>Aafreen Stimulation, enc...<br>Aagneya Male child of fl... <br>Aahlada Joy <br>Aahuti Sacrifice<br>Aakanksha Wish for <br>Aakar Shape<br>Aakarsha To allure<br>Aakash Open air, space<br>Aakav Form, shape<br>Aakesh Lord of the sky<br>Aakil Intelligent, smart <br>Aalambi Continuer<br>Aalap Conversation; mu...<br>Aalapee N/A <br>Aalok Light of the lor... <br>Aamin Divine grace, gr... <br>Aanal Center of spirit... <br>Aanan Appearance, face... <br>Aanandini Blissful<br>Aanandita Bringer of joy<br>Aanchit Glorified<br>Aandaleeb Bird<br>Aaneel Working by wind<br>Aanetra To view until pl... <br>Aanil Working by wind<br>Aapt Trustworthy<br>Aapti Fulfillment <br>Aaradhka Adoring<br>Aarati Towards the high... <br>Aarohi Ascending<br>Aarsi Looking glass<br>Aarti Towards the highest love for god <br>Aarya A line of prayer from Sanskrit<br>Aashaka Aarti's best wishes<br>Aashil Optimistic <br>Aashish Best wishes<br>Aashit Navy blue <br>AashleshTo cuddle<br>Aashman Aruna’s name<br>Aashutosh Worshipped god<br>Aatmadeva God of the soul<br>Aatmaj Aruna’s son<br>Aatmik Spirit, soul<br>Abalendu Full moon<br>Abha Splendour;luminous; beauty<br>Abhaas Awareness, reflection<br>Abhas Awareness, reflection<br>Abhati Splendour, magnificence; light <br>Abhay Without fear; fearless<br>Abhaya Without fear; fearless<br>Abhayaa Without fear; fearless<br>Abhayan Without fear, fearless <br>Abhiraja Fearless ruler<br>Abhu Unborn; nonexistant<br>Aboli Crossandra nfundibuliformis<br>Acala The immovable one <br>Acalan Canoe <br>Achal The immovable one <br>Achala The immovable one<br>Acharya Spiritually enlightened Teacher<br>Acintya Not thought of; The Unthinkable<br>Acyuta Unending; never lapsing; eternal<br>Adambha Without deciet;unpretentious<br>Adamya Formidable, difficult; stern<br>Adheesha Ruler, emperor, King<br>Adhideva Supreme god <br>Adhiguna High virtue<br>Adhir Restless, impatient<br>Adhira Restless, impatient<br>Adhyatman The superior or supreme self<br>Adikavi The first poet<br>Adiraja The first king<br>Aditi Boundless<br>Adra Rock; hard <br>Adrija Mountain born; born in or on the mountain<br>Adripati Lord of the mountain<br>Adriraja King of the mountain <br>Adwaita The truth is one; Not dual<br>Afreen Encouragement <br>Agasti Mountain thrower<br>Agastya Mountain thrower<br>Agni Fire; sacred fire<br>Ahalya Not ugly; she who is without ugliness<br>Aharnish Day and night<br>Ahimsa Harmless <br>Ahsan More attractive<br>Aijaz Privilege; favour<br>Aikya Unity; one alone <br>Aikyan Unity; one alone<br>Ailesh Ruler of the world<br>Aiman Very brave<br>Aindri The powerful; belongs to the powerful<br>Aiswara Belongs to the lord; Lordly<br>Aiswaran Belongs to the lord; Lordly<br>Aiswari Belongs to the lord; Lordly<br>Aja Goat <br>Ajamil N/A<br>Ajan The unborn; love of Vishnu<br>Ajanabh Hill, mountain<br>Ajara Not wearing out;everlasting <br>Ajay Unconquered<br>Ajaya Unconquered<br>Akalanka Stainless <br>Akasa Open air, space <br>Akash Open air, space<br>Akasha Open air, space<br>Akhil Ruler, King<br>Akhilendra Lord of the universe<br>Akhilesh King of all <br>Akilesh King of all, lord of all<br>Akshan Eye<br>Akshay Eternal, immortal, indestructable<br>Akuti Intention; wish<br><br>there are 120 there I will get more later.
  • Here are some super funny, strange and wonderful words :D<br><br>The ones with the stars are my favorite, but I love them all :lol: <br><br>CIRCUMBENDIBUS – A twist, a turn*<br><br>FOGOU - An artificial underground chamber in Cornwall<br><br>GABERLUNZIE – A beggar<br><br>GOMER - An undesirable hospital patient<br><br>GONGOOZLER – an inactive spectator <br><br>HORNSWOGGLE – to cheat or swindle<br><br>JOBBERNOWL – a stupid person<br><br>KERFUFFLE – a fuss or a commotion<br><br>MUGWUMP - A person who remains aloof from controversial issues*<br><br>NIPPERKIN – an outdated unit of volume<br><br>SNOLLYGOSTER - shrewd, unprincipled person<br><br>SNICKERSNEE – a large knife<br><br>ZENZIZENZIZENZIC – the eight power of a word<br><br>TWITTERPATED – in love<br><br>QUOCKER-WODGER – a wooden puppet on a string<br><br>GOBBLEDYGOOK – jumbled language<br><br>FUSTILUGS - A grossly fat woman*<br><br>HIPPOPOTOMONSTROSESQUIPPEDALIOPHOBIA – the fear of long words<br><br>MUNGO - A dumpster diver - one who extracts valuable things from trash<br><br>AGOMPHOSIS – looseness in the teeth <br><br>WAPENSHAW – gathering to evaluate readiness of men for combat
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • dogtrainer && brittsy;; WONNDERRfull words :]<br><br>Katie,, im afraid;; as i was looking over the "words" you gave me. their not words at all. But names. And since i cant go through all of them looking them up in a dictionary im going to have to put your score back down to zero. I'm only being fair for the rest of the group.<br><br>Finding words such as;;<br>Agathokakological - Made up of Both Good and Evil<br>Ardor - A Great Warmth of Feeling; Fervor; Passion<br><br>Words that are strange, bizzare, crazy;; basicly anything us humans rarely use because its so out of the ordinary.
  • some of the "words" on mine are names but are all in Indian or Arabic. Just thought I would let you know.
  • Here are some more :]]<br><br>ABOZZO – Preliminary Sketch <br><br>BOONDOGGLE – A waste of time or money<br><br>BUFFALOING - Hoodwinking<br><br>CHUTZPAH – Impudence <br><br>DIPHTHONG - A Complex Vowel Sound That Begins With the Sound of One Vowel and Ends with the Sound of another Vowel<br><br>ERSATZ – Something made in imitation<br><br>GEWGAW – A trinket or bobble<br><br>GOBEMOUCHE – a person who believes any ludicrousness <br><br>GUFFAW – Boisterous laughter<br><br>SALCHOW – Ice-skating leap<br><br>SPOONERISM - A Phrase in Which the Initial Sounds of Two or More of the Main Words Are Accidentally Transposed<br><br>TATTERDEMALION –A ragamuffin<br><br>WHIGMALEERIE – Fanciful notion or ornament
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">A</span><br>abacinate To blind by putting a hot copper basin near someone's eyes <br>abderian Given to incessant or idiotic laughter <br>abecedarian A person who is learning the alphabet <br>abligurition Excessive spending on food and drink<br>abnormous - Misshapen <br>accismus - When you pretend to be not interested in something or someone, when you really are interested<br>accubation The practice of eating or drinking while lying down<br>acrasia - Lack of self-control; when you act against your better judgement<br>adelphepothia An incestuous desire for one's sister <br>adelphirexia An incestuous desire for one's nephew <br>adelphithymia An incestuous desire for one's niece <br>adoxography Skilled writing on an unimportant subject <br>aeolist A pompous windy bore who pretends to have inspiration <br>agelast A person who never laughs <br>agerasia The state of looking younger than one actually is <br>agraffe The wire that holds the cork in a champagne bottle <br>algerining Prowling around with the intent to commit burglary <br>alphamegamia The marriage between a young woman and an older man <br>anopisthography The practice of writing on one side of the paper <br>apodyopsis The act of mentally undressing someone <br>autohagiographer One who speaks or writes in a smug fashion about their own life and accomplishments <br>autolatry The worship of one's self <br>autotonsorialist One who cuts their own hair <br><span style="font-weight:bold">B</span> <br>basorexia An overwhelming desire to neck or kiss <br>bathykolpian Deep-bosomed <br>batrachophagous One who eats frogs <br>blandiloquent Speaking in a flattering or ingratiating manner <br>bletcherous Pertaining to something poorly or disgustingly designed <br>bombilate To loudly hum or buzz continuously <br>borborygmus The rumbling sound of gas passing through the intestine <br>brevirostrate Having a short nose <br>bromidrosis Strongly smelling perspiration <br>brontide The low rumbling of distant thunder <br><span style="font-weight:bold">C</span> <br>cachinnation Loud or hysterical laughter <br>cacoethes A bad habit or insatiable urge <br>cagamosis An unhappy marriage <br>callipygean Having well-shaped buttocks <br>cancatervate To heap up into a pile <br>capernoited Slightly intoxicated or tipsy <br>cataglottism Kissing using the tongue, French kissing <br>causeuse A sofa built for two people <br>charientism An artfully veiled insult <br>cheiloproclitic Being attracted to a person's lips <br>chirotonsor An alternate title for a barber <br>cleptobiosis The act of plundering food <br>clithridiate Key-hole-shaped <br>colposinquanonia Estimating a woman's beauty based on her chest <br>concilliabule A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot <br>cruciverbalist One who loves doing crossword puzzles <br><span style="font-weight:bold">D</span> <br>dactylion The tip of the middle finger <br>dactylonomy Counting using one's fingers <br>decubitis The act or attitude of lying down <br>defenestrate To throw out of a window <br>dehisce To burst open, as the pod of a plant <br>dentiloquent Pertaining to one who talks through their teeth <br>dephlogisticate To make something fireproof <br>desus The quiet, smooth sound of somebody farting but not very loudly<br>digamy A second marriage after the death or divorce of a previous spouse <br>dippoldism The act of beating or whipping school children <br>dompteuse A woman who trains animals <br><span style="font-weight:bold">E</span> <br>eccedentesiast One who fakes a smile, as on television <br>emunction The act of removing obstructions from or cleaning bodily passages <br>estrapade A horses's attempt to remove its rider <br>exsibilation The collective hisses of a disapproving audience <br><span style="font-weight:bold">F</span> <br>farctate The state of being stuffed with food (overeating) <br>filipendulous Suspended by a single thread <br>floccinaucinihilipilification The categorising of something that is useless or trivial <br>fuscoferuginous Having a dark rusty colour <br> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">G</span> <br>gambrinous Being full of beer <br>gargalesis Heavy tickling <br>gargalesthesia The sensation caused by tickling <br>ginglyform Hinge-shaped <br>gongoozler An idle spectator <br>gossypiboma A surgical sponge accidently left inside a patient's body <br>gowpen A double handful <br>grapholagnia The urge to stare at obscene pictures <br>gymnophoria The sensation that someone is mentally undressing you <br><span style="font-weight:bold">H</span> <br>hadeharia The practice of constantly using the word "Hell" in speaking <br>hamartithia Being likely to make a mistake <br>hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian Pertaining to extremely long words <br>honorificabilitudinitatibus With honour <br><span style="font-weight:bold">I</span> <br>inaniloquent Speaking foolishly or saying silly things <br>interfenestration The space between two windows <br><span style="font-weight:bold">J</span> <br>jentacular Pertaining to breakfast <br>jumentous Smelling like horse urine <br><span style="font-weight:bold">K</span> <br>karelu The mark left on the skin by wearing anything tight <br>koro The hysterical belief that one's penis is shrinking into one's body<br>knismesis Light tickling <br>krukolibidinous The act of staring at someone's crotch <br>kucir A tuft of hair left to grow on top of an otherwise bald head <br>kyphorrhinos Having a nose with a bump in it <br><span style="font-weight:bold">L</span> <br>lalochezia The use of foul or abusive language to relieve stress or ease pain <br>lethologica The inability to recall a precise word for something <br>liripip The long tail of a hood in medieval or academic costume <br>lygerastia The condition of one who is only amorous when the lights are out <br><span style="font-weight:bold">M</span> <br>mahj Looking beautiful after having a disease<br>maledicent One who is addicted to abusive speech <br>mallemaroking The carousing of seamen on board Greenland whaling ships <br>mammothrept A child who is raised and spoiled by their grandmother <br>maritodespotism Tyrranical rulership of a woman by her husband <br>matronolagnia An attraction to older women, especially ones who have children <br>misocapnist One who hates the smell of tobacco smoke <br>misodoctakleidist Someone who hates practicing the piano <br>mulligrubs A state of depression or low spirits <br>mumpsimus One who sticks obstinately and wrongly to their old ways <br>mytacism The incorrect or excessive use of the letter M <br><span style="font-weight:bold">N</span> <br>nelipot Someone who walks without shoes <br>nepheligenous Producing clouds of tobacco smoke <br>nidorosity Belching with the taste of undigested meat <br>nudiustertian Pertaining to the day before yesterday<br>nylentik To flick someone with the middle finger on the ear <br><span style="font-weight:bold">O</span> <br>oculoplania Letting one's eyes wander while assessing someone's charms <br>onychophagy The habit of biting one's fingernails <br>ordinateur French word for computer because of meanings of con and pute<br><span style="font-weight:bold">P</span> <br>pandiculation Stretching and yawning before going to bed or after waking up <br>papakata To have one leg shorter than the other <br>petrichor The smell of rain on dry ground <br>philosophunculist One who pretends to know more than they do to impress others <br>pogonotomy The act of cutting a beard <br>polyphloisboian Making a lot of noise or loud racket <br>preantepenultimate Fourth from last <br>prosopography The description of a person's appearance <br>psithurism The sound of wind in trees or rustling leaves <br>pyknic Short and fat <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Q</span> <br>qualtagh The first person you see after leaving your house <br>quidnunc One who always wants to know what is going on <br>quomodocunquize To make money by any means possible <br><span style="font-weight:bold">R</span> <br>recumbentibus A knockout blow, either verbal or physical <br>runcation The act of weeding <br><span style="font-weight:bold">S</span> <br>sabrage The act of opening a bottle with a sabre <br>saprostomous Having bad breath <br>scacchic Pertaining to the game of chess, or to chess pieces <br>sciapodous Having huge feet <br>scolecophagous One who eats worms <br>sgiomlaireached The habit of dropping in at mealtimes <br>skoptsy The act of self castration <br>slubberdegullion A filthy, slobbering person <br>sphallolalia Flirtatious talk that leads nowhere <br>steatopygic Having a fat behind <br>strikhedonia The pleasure of being able to say to hell with it <br><span style="font-weight:bold">T</span> <br>tachyphagia Fast eating <br>tarantism An urge to overcome melancholy by dancing <br>tetrapyloctomy The act of splitting a hair four ways <br>thelemic Permitting people to do as they like <br>tibialoconcupiscent Having a lascivious interest in watching a woman put on stockings <br>torschlusspanik The fear of diminishing opportunities as one gets older<br><span style="font-weight:bold">U</span> <br>ubiation - The act of occupying a new place<br>ulotrichous Having very wooly hair <br>ultracrepidarian Of one who speaks or offers opinions on matters beyond their knowledge <br>usufructuary A person who has use or enjoyment of something, especially property <br><span style="font-weight:bold">V</span> <br>ventripotent Big-bellied, gluttonous <br>vesthibitionism The flirtatious display of undergarments by a woman <br>vigesimation The act of killing every twentieth person <br>viraginity Masculine qualities in a woman <br><span style="font-weight:bold">W</span> <br>wabbit - Exhausted or slightly unwell<br>wanweird An unhappy fate <br>widdiful - Someone who deserves to be hanged<br>witzelsucht A feeble attempt at humour <br>windlestraw - A person who is tall, thin and un-healthy looking<br>winebibber - A person who habitually drinks a lot of alcohol<br>woofits - An unwell feeling, especially a headache; a moody depression<br> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">X</span> <br>xanthippe - An ill-tempered woman<br>xenobombulate To malinger <br>xerophagy A diet of bread and water <br>ximelolagnia The urge to stare at women who are sitting with crossed legs <br>xylopolist One who sells wood products <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Y</span> <br>yclept By the name of; called <br>yepsen - When you cup your hands to form a dish; or to drink some water <br>yisel - A hostage<br>youf - A bark that is muffled<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Z</span> <br>zhengrong To improve one's looks by plastic surgery<br>zenzizenzizenzic A number raised to the eighth power<br>zechpreller A person who leaves without paying the bill<br><br>_______________________________________________<br>DISCLAIMER; i did not look every single word up in the dictionary,<br>thank you to the internet to help me find them. :] also, not all words are english. <br><br>uhm, my guess is at 175. i stopped counting though and am very lazy. :[ <br>if you need me to count i can...</span>
  • dogtrainer;; its okay to have weird names that have a meaning.. but normal names with really no meaning is not aloud. as long as they look like a word and have a meaning their aloud. <br><br>If your not sure if its a word or not i'll accept;; post it and ill let you know<br><br>Brittsy;; updated :]<br><br>Blur;; 170 :] at least what i counted. added and updated.
  • Here's some more :D <br><br>PAEAN - A joyously exultant song or hymn of praise<br><br>BROBDIGNAGIAN – Extraordinary height, giant.<br><br>COSTERMONGER – hawker of fruits and veggies<br><br>CLAPPERCLAW – To scold, revile, or claw with nails<br><br>FLANNELMOUTHED – speaking in a tricky way<br><br>KATZENJAMMER – distress or depression<br><br>QUINCUNX – an arrangement of five things with one at each corner, and one in the middle of a square or rectangle<br><br>MAMMOTHREPT – a child raised by their grandmother<br><br>HUBBLE-BUBBLE – commotion or a water-pipe<br><br>CALLIPYGIAN – having a shaped butt <br><br>UMBRAGEOUS – filled with shadows, or known for taken offense easily<br><br>WEASAND - throat, gullet<br><br>PANTYWAIST – a weak man, a sissy<br><br>PUSILLANIMOUS – Someone who is timid and cowardly<br><br>MAWKISH - a sappy, television movie could be described as so, over-sentimental <br><br>BURLESQUE – a literary or dramatic piece that mocks the serious<br><br>WANDERLUST – a strange longing to wander<br><br>CHTHONIC – relating to the underworld, infernal.
    name is britti elizabeth :D
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