Yeah.. they're all for sale.. just not marked so yet.<br><br>Hmm. Price varies depending on which dog. Birth stats are all in notes.. and myself and Pry are keeping a few.. so I dunno. There are quite a lot though.. :]
Ohh goshh. xDD<br><br>Uhm. Would I be alright to sort through them sometime soon, and name all the ones me and Pry are keeping? I am lost atm. <br><br>If your okay with that? - Sorreh. It's a problem.. I have how many dogs in there? And how many which <span style="font-style:italic">need</span> buying. <br>x3 Lol. When I have got sorted, I'll accept them. Okay?<br><br>Sorry again.
Lool. :P I`m lost. x3 I'll be sure to To be honest, I can't wait to groom the 110 hyper. Haha. Would you happen to have a brood with good quality hyper? Or anyone else for that matter? x3<br><br>Talk about planning ahead... !<br><br>XD
I have a GH stud with 110 BS (lmao) hes 9x4, with 102.1 BH. that Im going to groom .. might not produce the best BS pups, but we might get some 10's from him and your female ...<br><br><br><br>Oh and Tiff. Next time you use the breeding kennel. PRETTY PLEASE put my dogs in boarding. I use Aziu's on that account. You just aged my Pit Bull 10 weeks!
LOL Sim. Highest BS we have is 119 =P <br><br>Highest BH we have is 110.<br><br>Boast over. x3<br><br>Btw, <span style="font-weight:bold">Husky grooming complete.</span> :P
<br><br>Thankies. And I mainly meant that I was going to groom him for breeding. There was no bragging in it.
Oh. Must have been someone else. Cause when I bought her, she was 4years old. bought her from Pry. and when I looked again, she was 4.2.2 .. not blaming you. just wanting to know whats going on.<br><br>ill pm you about it.<br><br>Was it just my internet? Or was VP down for like? 30mins to an hour?
Very nice... We could also try him with <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>, which is the first dog's daughter. Her speeds can be a bit more erratic, but she's gotten 1st in almost half of her events, often speeds of 19.4 or less... Its up to you though, but this one hasn't been bred at all yet, so I'm very curious to see how she does.<br><br>-Rosy
I had a 2 hour delay today <br>Where I am there is like lot's of snow coming.
<br><br>Awesome! Snow! woo.<br>I want to live in the snow. lol. i love snowboarding.<br>gah. training is like. wow. i have a tonne of dogs to train. like, 43. But I have already done 6, onto the 7th and 8th now.<br><br>How slow am I. lol
No offence, but this post is annoying. <span style="font-weight:bold">It keeps looking orange and I think something else has been posted on.</span> [/randomness]
<br><br>I dont get it.<br><br>And if you find it annoying.<br>Dont look at it.
I am S L O W .<br>I have been training the same dog for like 2 hours
<br><br>Lol. It took me 2 days to get your dog done. Mainly because I wasnt aloud on. But its aggro went up .158 per training. But Ive gotten into a routine at the moment ..<br>While I was RHing your dog, I accepted one of Aziu's and done it, then once I needed to aggro cap it, I accepted another .. mind you. mahgic - your rescues are annoying. lol. but they is fun (in a way) to train.<br><br>I can hardly get anything out of the dog!