mmm. me too. Id like a high BS female if I could .. cause I have Seething Stud with a BS of 118.9 that Ill start eventing soon.ish.<br><br>Ah. Just washed 3 of our dogs, 2 boxers and a mini terrier. lol - i smell like eucalyptus .. . <br><br>I cant believe we are already at 15 pages .. lmao. <br>anyway feel like doing some grooming for me? I have an AWD that needs 3 years, and once Ive finished aggro capping [NP] Queen - Ill need her groomed to age 11.8.0 ... 50k a year?
Gotta.....<br><br>Keep...<br><br>From clicking.....<br><br>Sim's link...............<br><br>Too many dogs already..........<br><br>LMAO<br><br>Whoo 15 pages, be nice if it got stickied
Gotta.....<br><br>Keep...<br><br>From clicking.....<br><br>Sim's link...............<br><br>Too many dogs already..........<br><br>LMAO<br><br>Whoo 15 pages, be nice if it got stickied
<br><br>lmao. you know you want to click it.<br>changing prices. min. price is 50k, max will be 100k. lol - think im keen to sell em?
HAHA, I may have to resort to training too, but I am sooooo lazy right now, too busy shopping. Plus I hate training my own dogs....but will have too soon...gotta stop relying on others to do it for me and get out there and start eventing.
Thanks for buying the dog pry.<br>XD<br><br>Gah. Tonnes of training to do now.<br>-knuckles down-<br><br>Tell some people that I have dogs for sale please.
At least they aren't too cheap...I sold a fully trained & maxed BC for 1k, then I had the person buy him message me asking if I knew anyone who would like to bid on it <br><br>I supposed I asked for it <.< >.><br><br>Anyway I did my vent in the vent forum.<br><br>Also I advertised in BarkPark for you
If any of you are interested in starting a line, I just got back a 12 Tyranno Mastiffs that I am going to put up for auction. After failing at letting someone do a line for me, I have 12 imports that I do not have the time to do.<br><br>If you are go and bid, starting bid on each dog will be 25k or 500k for the whole line.
At least they aren't too cheap...I sold a fully trained & maxed BC for 1k, then I had the person buy him message me asking if I knew anyone who would like to bid on it <br><br>I supposed I asked for it <.< >.><br><br>Anyway I did my vent in the vent forum.<br><br>Also I advertised in BarkPark for you
<br><br>Thankies. XD Gah. Im officially interested in Howrse ... -sighs-
I prefer my dogs to be groomed, it calls for better puppehs. <br>And we all no how much we love better puppehs. 8)<br><br>gah. i have training to do. so ima switch to the desktop [A MOUSE! XD] ..
HAHAHA<br><br>Good luck with it, I am sure they will be happy with her <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">And thanks for buying her for the listed price</span>
<br><br>No problems. :P <br><br>Now gotta find a groomer. lmao. Gotta have her looking her best! ... If I get a high statted female from her, I might then breed that female to the 2nd stud. =]
Lol. Eh. Ill find someone eventually. I have about ... 6 dogs going out right now. Waiting for them so start training is torture! lmao.<br><br>-breathes deeply-<br>be patient simmeh .... :oops: