Oh congrats Angel. <br><br>And yes Mucky, anyone is welcome to join. We love competing. I think Rosy created a club for greyhound racing ..<br>So I suppose you could create one for something else?<br><br>Eh. Im like. So not inthe mood for anything today. -sigh-<br>So I shall sit on my buttocks and train all day!
Finally got a clear kennel so I can get back to showing...although it did cost me 2mil in unfished trainings :? Oh well.<br><br>Only eventing in showmanship, ob & confo at the moment...want to see what my super pup can do
=]<br><br>Hey Pry. Do you have any BS 118.5 + female greyhounds? I have Seething who is at like. 118.8 or something. His BH is 104.9 as well.<br>Any that I can breed him too? Mainly for a high BH so we can get some 10x4 puppehs.<br><br>Lemme know.
Oooh. I bred one of mine, and got a 119.1 BS male =P<br><br>Anyone got any females? I -think- I also have a 118.9 female.. but maybe its a male because I think Pry stole the female! :P LOL.<br><br>Getting closer and closer to 120! ;O Oh yeah. =P<br><br>Haha.
Aww! Lol. I'll have to make something like that <br><br>Aaaand. You lot just wait until my 119.1 BS male gets on the trackss.. ahaaah. whoaa. *waves bye to all the crawlers* =P LOL
Aww! Lol. I'll have to make something like that <br><br>Aaaand. You lot just wait until my 119.1 BS male gets on the trackss.. ahaaah. whoaa. *waves bye to all the crawlers* =P LOL
LOL I hope its not soon. :F The code is free for anyone with racers to use
gosh. why are we on so early. -rubs eyes-<br><br>i just woke up. and it started to rain. meaning i have to walk to the shopping centre and get drenched. party. =[<br><br>eh. pepper do you have a male 6x4 + ..? If you do, have him groomed and we'll breed a litter from Triumph and him .. maybe? lol.<br><br>and angel. i have 8x4 Olde English Bulldogge's and Akbash Dogs. lmao! 8) oh and 5x4 dakotah shepherds. =]
I could make a layout?<br><br>And neither of mine probably pass, because they all will have, or do have more than 3 pups. :roll: <br><br>And most are in Rosy's club 8) <br><br>Oh wells. :? <br><br>Meeh I need to do my poodles
Mine are horrid. xD Oh well. I don't handcode them though. I use frontpage. <br><br>Guess who's training a crapload of dogs for me next weekend while I'm gone? *points above* Oh yah. 'Twould be Angel.
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