Lunar:<br>I can't get your commission done at all. I've had my friends and my mom<br> try it as well, and I simply just can't do anime at all. <br>Maybe you could find someone else to do that particular commission or <br>order something different.
Reference Picture (if any): Border Collie<br>Color: <br>Markings: Darkest Midnight w/Sapphire Stars & Diamond Moon <br>Pose: <br>Mood: <br>Other: I don't really have a preference on pose or mood, use your judgement and just do what you do best
If theres a spot for these. But if there isn't ignore it.<br><br>Colors (For text): Lime green and hot pink<br>Reference Picture (or what I'm drawing):<br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... enter5.JPG</a><br>Colors (for drawing): deep brown or mahogany<br>Text: Shameh's Chinese Chongqing Dog<br>sub text: Get as strange as ever<br>Other: thanks
Reference Picture (if any): Border Collie<br>Color: <br>Markings: Darkest Midnight w/Sapphire Stars & Diamond Moon <br>Pose: <br>Mood: <br>Other: I don't really have a preference on pose or mood, use your judgement and just do what you do best
If theres a spot for these. But if there isn't ignore it.<br><br>Colors (For text): Lime green and hot pink<br>Reference Picture (or what I'm drawing):<br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... enter5.JPG</a><br>Colors (for drawing): deep brown or mahogany<br>Text: Shameh's Chinese Chongqing Dog<br>sub text: Get as strange as ever<br>Other: thanks
If theres a spot for these. But if there isn't ignore it.<br><br>Colors (For text): Lime green and hot pink<br>Reference Picture (or what I'm drawing):<br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... enter5.JPG</a><br>Colors (for drawing): deep brown or mahogany<br>Text: Shameh's Chinese Chongqing Dog<br>sub text: Get as strange as ever<br>Other: thanks
<br><br>Amazing!!! <33 Thank you so much<3<br><br>And did I already send a contract? If not, Send a neggie to <span style="font-weight:bold">Link's Princess</span> for however much I owe you.
i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
Reference Picture (if any): Umm you can choose one? :]<br>What I am drawing: A wolf <br>Color: Illuminating white w/ Stone Angel Wings (Think of Angel wings on a tombstone) Her eyes are an amber/honey color. <br>Markings: Just a wolfy white.<br>Pose: An intimidating pose that says, "Mess with me and I will bite without hesitation, but be good and I'll be fine." xDD<br>Mood: Broken on the inside, independant, proud, but <br>Melcholony. <br>Other:
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."
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love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
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Purgatory's Playground - an original afterlife role play.
love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."