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Misty. ;D

<span style="font-size:92">Yesh, I have a husky puppy named Misty. xDD<br><br>I only uploaded a few pics of her [can't find my USB cord] soo, these pics are from when she was a little baby. ;P<br>Around 3 months. xD<br><br><a href=" and Max/misty_again.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... _again.jpg</a><br><a href=" and Max/mistysleeping2.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... eping2.jpg</a><br><a href=" and Max/misty.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... /misty.jpg</a><br>I'll update with more pictures later when I find my USB cord. -_-<br><br>She's full of energy, and tries to drag me around on walks. xDD<br><br>It's pretty sad. o_o;<br>She's learned these tricks<br><br>Sit<br>Down<br>Gimme Paw<br>Highfive<br>Roll Over<br>Up [When she's lying down, she'll sit straight up]<br><br>And yeah. xD<br>I'm trying to teach her "Heel" but it won't stick in her head. -_-<br><br>Anyways, that's my puppy. ;D<br>Right now she's like 14 months. o_o;<br><br>*Steal these pictures, you die. :P</span>


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