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Just a Volunteer Thing...

I volunteer at a local animal shelter and here's a little story I would love to share with other volunteers and others...<br><br><br><br>I was doing my normal routines with the dogs. Cleaned the back cages and check on the newly arrived stray. I visited the dogs that I think were getting a home real soon. I approached Teo a stragly looking mutt who had come very close to me. A woman walked in with her 2 young sons. "Look mom! Aw he's adorable!" The boys fell in love with Teo. "Would you like to take a look at him?" I asked. The mom shrugged and agreed. I let Teo out of the holding area and he fell in love the the 2 boys. Giving kisses and wanting belly rubs. "How nice of you to show us this pup." the mother stated. I think Teo truly chose them. "It's just a volunteer thing..." I stated feeling that I had helped one more dog get a new home with a wonderful family. I do not get paid I volunteer, which makes my job all the better!<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>I would love to hear your stories! Leave em here!


  • I volunteer at our local SPCA. I usually go about 2-4 times a month because I have to volunteer with my father *sigh*<br>But that's great about Teo (: There have been a few animals I fell in love with and they were soon adopted. One cat was there from July to December 16'th. It's good for him that he was adopted but I think it will be different in the cat rooms without him o_O<br><br>Sorry that wasn't much of a story xD
  • Volunteer at the local shelter.. I've had some good experiances and bad ones. I give tours. I ask the family what they want breed wise. If they don't know about breeds, ask what they want in a dog, then show them to a dog that suits them. Or a cat. Or something else.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">I volunteer/have done a mentorship through my high school with a local animal clinic. It's also a boarding and grooming center. We basically do it all.<br> <br>Anyway, I've been there since June of last year and I do everything XD I groom, walk, feed, clean, restrain, etc. Dogs and cats mostly, and the occasional ferret, parrot, hamster, iguana, etc :D</span></span></span>
  • I volunteer at a dog shelter also, but I'm able to wash the puppies/kittens up and take them to nursing homes to cheer the elderly up. Occassional we have some workers, and visitors ask about the puppy and about adopting---which is always nice to be asked. :)
    My dog in real life on the front page of a local magazine. :)
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