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Why Do You Keep Talking...

edited January 2009 in Vent
When I woke up this morning Meg was having trouble getting off my bed, climbing down stairs, and didnt want to go outside. So at first my mom is like oh its nothing she must have slipped on the ice. Now she says well if she doesnt seem better tomorrow Ill have to take her to the vet, and then we will go from there, and I wonder if she had a mini stroke. <br><br>I have been freaking out since this morning,when "everything was fine" and as my mom keeps talking it just gets worse. Im pretty much in tears right now cause im scared and freaking out that its something bad. There are times were i wish my mom would shut up after its nothing.


  • OK. My mimi's dog did this when she was in europe. First, is she vomiting? Second, is she stumbling? Is she eating?<br><br>Af all of those are yes, she may have swelling in the brain and possibly thyroid problems. Get her to the vet PRONTO.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Pepper97 wrote:
    OK. My mimi's dog did this when she was in europe. First, is she vomiting? Second, is she stumbling? Is she eating?<br><br>Af all of those are yes, she may have swelling in the brain and possibly thyroid problems. Get her to the vet PRONTO.
    <br>she isnt stumbling she is eating , and she isnt vomiting<br><br><br>She can walk but she walks like limply
  • I suggest to get her t the vet ASAP.<br><br>I know it's expense but to take care of a animal, it means spending out....<br><br>It could be nothing, just a sprain or strain, but it could also be spinal problems. NOT GOOD><br><br>We almost lost or boy as he slipped, and basically almost paralised himself. We thought we were going to lose him, but as we acted promptly, and got him to vets as soon as it happened, we were able to save him.
  • you didn'tmention how old,but alot of breeds have hip problems the older they get,just like people get arthritis,but you still should see vet,and have tested,lyme also shows up as muscle and joint problems

  • As teddybears said... age is a big deal...<br><br>Probably a strain or arthritis if she hasnt had problems like this before :wink:
  • joint problems or nerve problems could be a prob. it kinda depends on the age of the dog. just make sure the dog is eating well I would keep the dog off their feet for a while and lots of rest
  • She is 11, my mom thought her joints were bugging her so we went and got her some baby asprin, ever since she got the asprin she is a lot better
  • I figured joints would be the issues if it was an older dog. Keep her off her feet for a while and keep plently of fluid in her, the typical things the vet will tell ya to do!
  • If she doesn't eat as much as normal, or vomits, immediatly get to the EV w/ her. brain swelling can be very sudden and untelligable.<br><br>Also, if it's joints, Molly has joint problems too. Same one who had brain swelling. xD There are some cherry treats you can get for her that work miracles. If you find some at petsmart... get it. xD I'll look it up.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
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