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why do people

edited January 2009 in General Discussion
why do people use more than one forum account,to me that seems like you are trying to scam someone,in which if people paid attention you can tell,i am sure a select few do it to scam,but many i don't believe are,just wanting opinions,also something else that has been bothering me,is all these people asking for donations to work on riding bad breeding's/stat dogs.and i have 3 rescues and go thru and find 100s of these breeds and then finding bad stat dogs back up for sale by these persons.and yes i know there are some people really trying,but others want donations and some else to do all the work.plz give any opinions



  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Well, I have another fourm account.<br>Snad Purple Dinosaur<br><br>But, that's so Sandy and Liz can also have access to it to edit events and stuff we hold.<br>Since we basically share everything on VP, so we have contests that all 3 of us are running.<br><br>Like, with the big train off we had, we all were able to edit the train off, add points, note which dogs have been sent out.<br>And all that. x3<br><br>I don't know if you're talking about someone who has another forum acount just for themselves, cause that makes no sense to me either except for the scamming reason. o.o</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • i have two accounts to myself. but i only use one. i bought a sponcer and decided to change my name, so i got a new forums to make it less confuzing.. thats my reason

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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  • Man,must of stepped on a lot feet,a lot of views but no opinions. :shock:

  • I dont know who has mutiple forums accounts..maybe they wanna seem like someone different? Like..have two personalities and find out what people think of them or something? Idk..I am not sure how they would scam..<br><br>I too used to have two. My old forum account was Kaitie but I dont use it and I wanted to get a forum name that matched my playername. ;D
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Well, I have another fourm account.<br>Snad Purple Dinosaur<br><br>But, that's so Sandy and Liz can also have access to it to edit events and stuff we hold.<br>Since we basically share everything on VP, so we have contests that all 3 of us are running.<br><br>Like, with the big train off we had, we all were able to edit the train off, add points, note which dogs have been sent out.<br>And all that. x3<br><br>I don't know if you're talking about someone who has another forum acount just for themselves, cause that makes no sense to me either except for the scamming reason. o.o</span></span>
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">I was about to type that but then I saw you did.<br><br>Yes.. that is our only reason though xD</span>
  • i don't mean to sound like i am saying everyone,and most put their main kennels on ww and not change it like after each post.some do to try to scam such things as trainings,breeding,etc.i just don't get it ,this is a game,i guess my mine has been wondering since new years.And people should be happy for what they have and be confident with who you are.Hope I did not offend

  • teddybears wrote:
    why do people use more than one forum account,to me that seems like you are trying to scam someone,in which if people paid attention you can tell,i am sure a select few do it to scam,but many i don't believe are,just wanting opinions,also something else that has been bothering me,is all these people asking for donations to work on riding bad breeding's/stat dogs.and i have 3 rescues and go thru and find 100s of these breeds and then finding bad stat dogs back up for sale by these persons.and yes i know there are some people really trying,but others want donations and some else to do all the work.plz give any opinions
    <br><br>If you know there are people with more than one account I suggest reporting them to the game mods. It is against the rules to have more than one forum account here. Instead of complaining about the scammers in a forum and starting a whole big argument about it and such the best thing is just to report them privately.
  • TaraRayne wrote:
    teddybears wrote:
    why do people use more than one forum account,to me that seems like you are trying to scam someone,in which if people paid attention you can tell,i am sure a select few do it to scam,but many i don't believe are,just wanting opinions,also something else that has been bothering me,is all these people asking for donations to work on riding bad breeding's/stat dogs.and i have 3 rescues and go thru and find 100s of these breeds and then finding bad stat dogs back up for sale by these persons.and yes i know there are some people really trying,but others want donations and some else to do all the work.plz give any opinions
    <br><br>If you know there are people with more than one account I suggest reporting them to the game mods. It is against the rules to have more than one forum account here. Instead of complaining about the scammers in a forum and starting a whole big argument about it and such the best thing is just to report them privately.
    <br><br>O.O Does that mean we're going against the rules?<br>Or is that acceptable? xD
  • Lizzu wrote:
    <br><br>O.O Does that mean we're going against the rules?<br>Or is that acceptable? xD
    <br><br>Well if you look in this forum thread where it says that the rules of VP do apply to the forum <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>It says this:
    You are only permitted one active account in this game unless you have upgraded an account to a sponsor, then you are granted 10.
    <br><br>Actually you can only have 9 Novice accounts plus your Sponsor but that's not the point. I really don't think that you can have 9 forum accounts though. Not if I remember that correctly. My suggestion would be either talk to Nef about it or an Op and find out if what you are doing is OK.
  • So far having mutliple forum accounts are not against any rules. However that may change soon. We are currently discussing what to do with people that have 2 or more forum accounts. So right now its not a big deal. ;D
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