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Meh Frogeh

edited January 2009 in General Discussion
OK. I got a fire bellied toad in July. I'm not sure, but I call him a he. His name is Tippy. He has no buddies. He's all alone. He usually eats freeze-dried meal worms, but I'm going to go get him some crickets for his Christmas present.<br><br>I need someone to answer these questions:<br>1) Does he need someone to keep him company like a fire bellied newt or another toad?<br>2)Is there a way to tell a boy from a girl? xD<br>3) ANY INFO WILL BE APPRECIATED VERY MUCH.<br><br>I am a new, first time frog mom So PLEASE help. Any bit is useful.
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch


  • First of all freeze dried anything is not very good for your frog. It pretty much sucks out all nutrition. <br><br>Diet: Fire belly toads can be fed crickets, mealworms, and wax worms. Adults have also been known to eat pinkie mice.<br>Watch the waxworms though. They are like a treat. A very fatty treat. xD<br>Make sure when you do get cricket(real ones) you gutload them or they will serve no nutrition to the toad at all. Feed them carrots, taters, dark leafy greens. xD Crickets are a pain to take care of also. They are so fragile. <br><br>Looks like you can get another toad of the same type in with them only if the tank is 10 or more gallons. If you do get another toad I would quarentine the new one. That way if the new one has any parasites it won't get transferred to your old toad.<br>Do not mix different reptiles/amphibians together. They all pretty much require different types of heat/humidity.<br><br>Googles this one. xD<br>The easiest way to tell a male and female fire-bellied toad apart is to observe them. Males will call to the females by barking like a puppy. Then they will hop unto the female and hug it around the waist. Sometimes they make a mistake and hop unto another male. If that happens the other male toad will let him know he made a big mistake. Only males bark so if your toad barks it is definitely a male. But just because your toad does not bark does not mean it is a female. It may not bark because there is no female around to bark for. There is no easy way to just look at a fire-bellied toad and tell which sex it is.<br><br>Caresheets:<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... y-toad.php</a><br><br>ok I got carried away a bit xD<br>I loves my reptiles. <3
  • Nuuu! You are so awesome! You didn't get carried away. I never knew that freeze dried isn't good. rut row. How do I tell if it's an adult? xD So many questions. Also.... can you get wax worms at a bait shop? Me and mom are going to bait shop tomorrow, where I get his special crickets. And, are the crickets at the bait shop ok for him to eat? xD If you answer Zoe, you can make it long. I like to read.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • We get all our crickets at the bait shop. Sadly though he stops selling them in the winter. ;-; Bait shops charge so much less for crickets then a pet shop does. Also most bait shops have wax worms although they call them moth grubs atleast my guy did. xD <br>If you are looking for a cricket storage thing. I got mine from walmart. Looks something like this:<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>I put old toilet paper rolls and half an egg carton in there so they have plenty of hiding/dark places.<br>Also have a small dish of baby carrots/small piece of cut up potato for water, and whatever else I have in the fridge. Sometimes I throw in some dog or cat food. Its actually really neat watching the crickets move around and eat. xD<br>Adult fire-bellied toads reach a length of 1.5 to 2.5 inches long. So if your mom has a measuring tape from sewing those are really nice to use cause they aren't that hard metal that would be in your dads tool box. xD
  • Oh, zoe! Your such a help! Do you know if the crickets can get out of wire netting at the top of the aquarium? Either my frog eats them quickly or they all escape... also, my frog is brown on the top, not green. O.o
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • Just throw in a couple crickets at a time. You don't want to leave in any crickets wandering around. They can bite/hurt the frog. My water dragon cage is very hard if some escape. He has such a big cage and so much stuff in there. I have never found that an escapee has bit on him though. <br>Now the geckos I take the stuff out of there tank and throw in some crickets and they go to town. What they don't eat I take out. If you have an escapee or 2 I would worry that much but try to get them out if you can. ;D<br><br>Water Dragons cage<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Skizzy<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>These are sorta old cause my digi camera died. xD Waiting for a new one so I can update pics of him as he has grown tons.<br><br>edit!<br>I also feed Skizzy in a tupperware shoebox kinda thing. So the crickets don't escape to bad. <br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • The thing is, if I take meh frog out of hi cage, he jumps back or makes a run for it. He's not happy. I wonder if he needs a buddeh.<br><br>btw, Purdy Lizzard. xD I WAS gonna get a water dragon, but I fell in love with Tippy. xD
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • My male gecko really doesn't like people messing with him either and I know hes happy. To get your toad to get use to you. You need to try and feed him from your hand. Put a waxworm on your finger and wait and see if he eats out of your hand. Doing this will get him use to your hand and it not going to hurt him. ;D
  • kk. Do wax worms bite? xD I have a friend who got some kinda worms for her froggeh and it bit me. and her. and the frog.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • They have never bit me. We store them in the fridge so when you go to feed them to your toad they are in a sorta dead state. Kinda like a hibernation of sorts.
  • That's so awesome. xD My bait store only sells large crickets. :cry:
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
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