Made by me like two days ago.<br>My friend asked me if I'd been writing lately, and no, I haven't, and he's like, "Maybe just<br>write about the fact you can't find anything good to write about!" So I did.<br>And here it is!<br><br>There are times in my life, you see,<br>Where I run out of my supply.<br>Sometimes my thoughts are juicy,<br>And sometimes they are dry. <br><br>When I write something crazy,<br>It's usually straight from my heart.<br>So am I just being lazy?<br>Or maybe I just don't know where to start.<br><br>Trying to explain an emotion with words,<br>Is like putting the ocean in a cereal bowl,<br>Or rounding up the world's population of birds,<br>And perching them on a totem pole.<br>(impossible) <br><br>I guess if I try to get my point across,<br>and ask for a little help I get it.<br>But sometimes for a little while I'm at a loss,<br>And have nothing to submit.<br><br>Thank you, Kellen, for giving me an idea,<br>Because, well I *think* this poem turned out.<br>It's like randomness wrapped in a tortilla,<br>But who cares, at least I had something to write about!<br><br>LOL.<br><br>Crit if you want, it's just for fun though.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.