Heh, Yes, It is a very Crazy job. 150 Abused, Unwanted, Found-off-the-streets Puppies. Its a very sad Job, Looking at their poor faces everytime you walk by the Kennels. But, they're In desprate need of voluenteers, So I was just like, I'm old enough, so, So what? Its is Specificly made for Pitbulls, But 60 out of 100 % Is Mixed Breeds, Mostly Mixed with Huskies. The shelter is huge, Which means their Kennels are about the size of an Average Bathroom. There used to be 135, But we got a Big load of mutts In not too long ago. Unfortunatly, I dont have any Pictures of the Shelter or the dogs, But i'm not sure if even you guys would want to see the poor things. I just wanted to let you guys know that I work at a shelter
. Oh, and I can't let the name of the shelter out, Beacause it has my City name In it, and that just links on to Saftey issues
. Although, I did adopt 2 Of the dogs at the kennel that just wouldent leave. Their names are, Sky and Jesse. I own Sky, and I gave my Grandparents Jesse. Heres a Picture of Sky. I have none of Jesse, Sorry
<img src="
http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp144/otisyay/BigTrucks001.jpg" alt="
http://i406.photobucket.com/albums/pp144/otisyay/BigTrucks001.jpg" class="bb-image" />