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VP Free use line art?



  • I could donate some lineart as well. XD Can do pretty much everything, as long as I can get refs for it if needed. Just gimme a breed, yo! :D<br><br>Another thing, is perhaps have both head shots and full body? More variety, easily organizable, and not gender specific. And it gives us suckers for fur detail something to play with. :lol:
    Red's random sig of DOOM.
  • Ravette wrote:
    :D<br><br>*gives out cookies to all the non-artistically challenged*<br><br>Also Alana nice to see you back :) always loved your art.
    <br><br>well I probably go in the artistically challenged group :lol: cant do anything without reference and when it comes to dogs I am still in the tracing stage :D <br>and I am glad to be back although my breeding kennel has been frozen and all my pups are owned by that account so right now I am stuck big time :( but ohh well just hope it gets fixed soon :wink:
  • Did you e-mail Nef?<br><br>Anyways just give a hollar if you need to use a breeding kennel lmao I have two.

    Vixen Kennels brands star with VX .
  • I can do some lineart for you but at the moment i can't color because im currnetly looking for Photoshop CS....;-; I had psp but its on a broken computer that I have no acces to *sobs* but yeah just name a breed and i'll be happy to do the lineart for someone else to color
  • ok...<br><br>Sable is there an easy way to see what the breeds populations are all together? If so I can't find it (doesn't mean it isn't there..I've got a headache..bah). <br><br>Also, should we put the pictures up in like a photobucket album or host them on a website..or??? I could probably work the html (table with thumbnails of the linearts when clicked open to larger versions is what I was thinking might be nice, but quite a bit of work)...but not sure if we should do it that way or just go easy and put them in a photobucket album. <br><br>Sorry, I'm still into doing this, just working on a project at the moment that's eating all my time, should be done with it soon.
  • I don't think I'll be able to contribute anything. Because of time and also so much of this stuff looks just traced over photos. I don't mean to be rude but I mean some of the line art I can look at and instantly recognize the photo it was taken from. I think that goes a bit beyond 'refrencing'. And that's not just directed at one person or anything like that, I see it in at least two. <br><br>So if that's what the VP line art is going to be I'm not going to bother taking the time not doing that when someone can just yahoo search and make oddles of line art. <br><br>Anyways I need to go get some cheese now to go with my whine. :P<br><br>About the populations, it's in the breed info.<br><br>For example from the Buhunde page:<br><br>Virtual Pups Poulation: 35/110218 (0.03%) <br><br>So out of the 110218 dogs in the game 35 total are Norwegian Buhund, representing 0.03% of the game's dogs.<br><br>It's like the third row down I think?
  • Hmm gee well since only three people posted art and Alana said she did trace....<br><br>I took mine down. I don't appreciate being accused of tracing, especially when you've praised people in the past of how good and original their art was when it was obviously traced. <br><br>So..whatever, if someone else wants to take this over go ahead, I don't see why certain people have to jump on everyone and say they trace when they don't know for certain they did. No one was at my house when I did mine and I said I'd referenced photos, I took art classes where I got graded higher on how close the art resembled the photo so I guess everyone learns different. Anyway I guess everyone can just submit stick dog drawings then they can't be accused of tracing.
  • edited September 2005
    Meh... I have no idea if I was even being referred to, but purely for the record, by no means did I trace anything, either. I actually referenced the photo on the computer, then drew the lineart with pencil on paper, and from there I drew with the mouse using my sketch as reference - never even scanned the sketch.<br><br>But yeah. Bummer. I thought it was a good idea. Oh well. :(
  • well I clearly stated I am still in the tracing stage, I learn that way always has and always will, aint got the patience to do the trial and error thingy over and over sorry.<br>and even though I trace most of the pic (I do add and take away things as I feal like it), it takes me around 2 hours+ to make a set of lineart, yea some might call me a nitpick but I like things to be done as perfect as possible and I dont like attitudes in ppl very much thank just stated in another post dont give critic if the person didnt ask for it, dont belive anyone in this topic asked for yours...
  • I didn't give critique. I didn't pick out a picture and say you should change this and this or you need to work on this this or this. Saying something vague directed at no one in particular is not critique. <br><br>It's just sad when you look at a line art and can recognize it instantly as a photo that shows up when you search the breed on Yahoo! image search. Personally I think if you can recognize it first glance then that goes a little beyond referencing.<br><br>I never said don't do it, or boo hiss stop the line art project, I just said I'm not going to waste my time drawing line art from scratch when there's obviously more than enough photos out there to be 'referenced' from and make acceptable line art.<br><br>So if you all want to have a hissy fit and quit the project go for it. Obviously you've got other reasons than me saying I'm not contribute or else that's a bit sad. No one's going care if I put in line art or not, they just want line art to use, they don't care who it comes from. <br><br>You folks having a tantrum and abandoning the project isn't my problem.
  • I didnt say I reference I said clearly that it was Traced, what buggs me though is that you seem to belive that tracing is something you can do in 15 minutes and it comes out looking good... thats not the case in anyway, Tracing takes just as much talent as drawing free hand if you want it to be any good, my sister cant trace for the life of her but she can draw, I cant draw something unless I trace it a couple of times or like 100 times untill I get a feal for stop looking down at those hwo traces pics cause its no walk in the park, and I even got a pen that makes it a lot easier on me than ppl sitting with a mouse
  • When you make a comment that's vaguely directed at anywhere between two and three out of three whole people, effectively saying that they put much less time and effort into creating their artwork than you did and it's inferior stuff anyow, it's bound to sting and hurt some feelings.<br><br>Not everyone who draws as a hobby has developed the skill to draw freehand and mostly, or entirely, from their imagination. It's true that in many beginning drawing classes, they teach to use photos and try your best to duplicate them to the best of your ability. Sometimes you do start with tracing, and other times you just practice taking what your eye sees in the reference and re-creating it freehand on your own piece of paper. Ideally, once you practice and develop enough skill, you do gain the ability to make up poses, expressions, etc. right out of your head and have them come out looking halfway decent on paper.<br><br>Some people are good at that, some people are still learning, and some people have a fun time drawing but will never be great at producing something that looks like a dog without trying to mimic a photo. Personally, I think I fall somewhere between the second and third catagories, there.<br><br>But that doesn't mean that I didn't put HOURS of work into trying to get those lines to fit together they way they do and come out looking like the creature I was aiming for. Or that Alana didn't put hours of time and effort into her highly detailed tracing.<br><br>Sable, I admire your artwork very much. You are a VERY talented and skilled artist, one of the best on VP. To be able to draw like you do is something to aspire to, and I mean this in perfect sincerity. But I do think that if the line art project were limited only to artists who are skilled enough to draw freehand and use the same pose, expression, etc. seen in a photo, there would be very few artists willing and able to contribute at all. And it does hurt to be told that something you did the BEST YOU CAN on in terms of artistic skill, something you're proud of and offer to share with the community, just isn't good enough because you can recognize the photo that was used as a reference.
  • I don't think I'll be able to contribute anything. Because of time and also so much of this stuff looks just traced over photos. I don't mean to be rude but I mean some of the line art I can look at and instantly recognize the photo it was taken from. I think that goes a bit beyond 'refrencing'. And that's not just directed at one person or anything like that, I see it in at least two.<br><br>So if that's what the VP line art is going to be I'm not going to bother taking the time not doing that when someone can just yahoo search and make oddles of line art.
    <br><br><br>This was completely uncalled for and insulting to anyone who was doing the project. You could've just said you're not going to contribute without insulting everyone else in the thread while you were at it and making it sound like you're an art goddess and the rest of us are only good because we trace (which is doubly insulting for those of us who don't). <br><br>Guess what, tracing over photos, while being YOUR personal pet peeve isn't a crime or a rulebreaker on VP. I don't go around insulting anyone who does something that happens to be MY personal pet peeve because it's uncalled for, unnecessary, and extremely rude. <br><br>Some breeds only have a FEW images come up in an image search so there's bound to be LOTS of people referencing the same photos. I don't know why anyone even bothers posting art on this site anymore since you seem to come along and publicly embarrass anyone you think is doing something 'wrong'. <br><br>We're not having 'hissy fits', but what if someone came along and told you YOUR art that you worked so hard on was obviously traced because you could recognize where the inspiration came from? And you know what, none of us were making a profit here, we were trying to do something NICE to help out the VP community, and you're right the only person who would've cared if any of it was traced or 'looked' traced was you. But you had to come in this thread and make a huge deal out of not wanting your art associated with our crappy art since all we're obviously able to do is trace, no one has talent but you. <br><br>It takes me several hours to do my line art, I don't crank out 100s in minutes like you seem to think everyone does. Just because people do their art in a different way than you do doesn't mean it didn't take them a lot of time to do it and they did their best on it.
  • And furthermore...if any OTHER player was doing such things they'd be reprimanded and told not to. It's an embarrassment to VP, to Nef, and to the other Ops for an 'OP' to be going around harrassing other players (posting that other people's threads are a 'joke', insulting people left and right, going to great efforts to publicly embarrass others..). It's very unprofessional behavior, and you're not just a 'paying' player anymore you're a representative of VP and VP's staff, and a highly respected person on this game so when you go around insinuating things about other people's art it RUINS their business with other players. Soon you're going to be the only one that feels comfortable doing any sort of art on this game, and maybe that's what your intention is, I don't know. The fact that you had to come post that your art was too good for the project when it was just a project to help the VP community is completely rude and out of line. No one was making any sort of profit, in fact YOU are the only one that wanted to turn it into a profit thing by your suggestion that the artist's credentials be on the pictures so they can get business.<br><br>That much said, I'm not going to bother posting any more 'art' since I spent hours upon hours working on it whether it be line art/drawn or photo manips and both types have been made unwelcome on the forums.
  • Ok, now this is a flame thread, so Locky Locky, and if necessary I'll delete it completely.
This discussion has been closed.