Happy New Year All =D I didnt make this just to have another happy new years post though xD<br><br>There are 2 (not real) birthdays this month, and one real one that I'd like to take notice to...<br><br><br>First off, today, January 1st is Yoruichi's (from bleach) birthday
I have no clue how old she is, but my fangirlishness couldn't let me not say happy birthday to one of my favorites
:P <br><br>Then on January 13th, my best friend, and dog, Shelby will be having a birthday. So, happy birthday Shelby =D Love you lots
<br><br>And on January 14th is yet -another- of my favorite Bleach characters' birthday, So happy birthday Rukia
<br><br><br>Anyway xD And, happy birthday to everyone else out there who has one in January
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.