Actually..YOU didn't find Piper in the school parking lot...Me, Kalin, and Jordan did. You only took her home because my dad wasn't there in time for me to ask him like I told you I was going to.
If you want to talk to VampireVenom, like -talk- then take it to PM.<br><br>And honestly, why <span style="font-style:italic">does</span> it matter who found him first? I'm curious.
Its a personal contest between two friends ok? You guys don't know wat goes on with me and Vampy outside of the computer. We have little contests over things. which im sure none of you would understand, and no one is asking you to.<br><br>(Jazz, honestly curious here, cant we say wat we want, to who we want as long as we dont break the rules?)
Its a personal contest between two friends ok? You guys don't know wat goes on with me and Vampy outside of the computer. We have little contests over things. which im sure none of you would understand, and no one is asking you to.<br><br>(Jazz, honestly curious here, cant we say wat we want, to who we want as long as we dont break the rules?)
<br>I know, but others of us find it annoying if you just post with each other. Ops have always told me to take it to PM, if I and just one other person are posting back and forth for an extended period of time.
Ah ok. Well we do talk in PM. We talk on yahoo messanger or AIM. We just sumtimes post on here. We dont ever really post on here back and forth for too long.
Whay-hey-hey! I thought this was for flaunting pets?<br><br>Not arguing with 'friends' over 'who found a dog first'.<br>Not for 'personal contests'.<br>Not for bugging others about 'personal contests'.<br><br>I vote that we all stick on topic. Get back to flaunting pets, the lot of you!<br><br>*flail*
Whay-hey-hey! I thought this was for flaunting pets?<br><br>Not arguing with 'friends' over 'who found a dog first'.<br>Not for 'personal contests'.<br>Not for bugging others about 'personal contests'.<br><br>I vote that we all stick on topic. Get back to flaunting pets, the lot of you!<br><br>*flail*
<br><br>Thanks Kazuko.. thats what i was thinking.. and *little voice* for the record Kalin did find Piper.. and Piper is a girl -hides-
=D lunapic works for this also. It's how i got mine so small. I have no pics of my fishie or id show you guys...he only has one eye though..the big mean goldfish ate his other...he is like 6 years old..amazing lifespan for a guppie 0.0
omg lol poor fish , I had a lil fish from walmart for 8 years! his name was sharky ( I got him when i was about 2 ) but few years ago he died I loved him :] -tear-
i had a dog since i was two.. he died last year but it was kinda sad to see him in his condition. he had almost every medical condition in the book.. had been shot like.. 5 or 6 times (literally) and been in a BUNCH of fights.. he would protect me and was so sweet T^T his name was Big Foot Pete