Lolo? I know you said no more dogs but i'm making a tribute video/slide show to honor my recently deceased baby girl, i have a photograph of her, and i was wondering, would you make one of your neat graphics for me of her?<br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br><br>Her Name is Shelby,<br><br>I was wondering if you could write her name in cursive..... i was also wondering if you can make her eyes sparkle with hope thank you if you can <br><br>I can pay 300k im kinda poor
I know your reno!<br>Thats why I put a little smiley on the side XD <-- that one.<br><br>I know, hes my favorite out of the 5 pokemon ive made so far, and he was easiest to draw.. cause hes a dog. <br><br>But ninetails was friggen hard, and shes a dog <br><br><br>Lmao and arcanine is stepping on my copyright! haha
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!