Well I am horrible at being creative so here I a hoping to pay a few mil and get some nice color ideas. I will give you examples(which are never to be copied) then you have to come up with a good color scheme yourself.<br><br>Prize:<br>2mil but may add more<br><br>Examples:<br>a dark brown, chocolate-y color with golden eyes. A white star on the hindquarters. Pretty small, but still visable. Don't make it perfect lines, either. Make it like...furry. So that it looks realistic. a few caramel-y golden streak-y accents near the shoulder/withers area. If dogs have withers...Again, don't make these perfect stripes. A little white on the end of the tail A ice blue streak down the middle of her face, that ends in a caramel-y patch just above her black nose. tiny little ice blue accenting tips on the ends of her ears. some lighter ice blue (almost whiteish) polka dots on her forelegs. (copyrighted to Loko)<br><br>Blue base with lighter and darker wavy streaks (Copyrighted to hitoame)<br><br>Ivory Base, Indigo Occuli, black & gold tribal markings around limbs, black & gold tribal markings behind ears, black-ish tipped tail (copyrighted to UnhappyJoker)<br><br>Black base color, Sky blue eyes, Maroon stripe all down back and tail, Purple stars around right front paw, Dark slate blue stripes across all three legs, Steel blue tipped ears (copyrighted to me)<br><br>Things you might wanna know-<br>I love anything unique<br>I love dark colors<br><br>Let's get this started
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