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This school term

Has been a lot of fun!<br>But the first term is coming to an end after christmas, who else is switching classes after christmas?<br>i know my schedule is probibly a bit different than most, but id like to hear about the first half of everyones school year!<br><br><br>As for me, i took ceramics and id like to post pictures of my some of my projects.<br>All my other classes were pretty boring.



  • All but like 3 or 4 of my classes change after christmas :lol:
  • My classes change mid January, but the sad part is that only fun classes change. I've still got chemistry, Trig & Functions, Spanish III isn't that bad (except for the teacher), and Social Studies. Debate is switching to Advanced Composition and Ropes to Art 2D. I think I lost my mind last week or something, because I chose to replace Health with Prose Literature, so next semester I have Advanced Comp and Prose Lit. I'm really not sure how I'm going to survive that! I'm looking forward to Art though. I can' t draw at all, but everyone that goes into that class comes out an amazing artist, so that'll be cool...<br><br>So I think first semester will be better than second, but it'll be ok<br>-Rosy
  • I'm on block scheduling, so i have 4 classes a da, and each are 90 minutes.<br>We have two semesters and 4 terms.<br>Im almost done with first semester.<br>All of my classes change after christmas.<br>So im a little sad=[

  • same here lolo except my classes don't change tell like mid Jan. not sure but it still sucks. I have 2 classes that stay the same though I have Orchestra and Yearbook which I took 2 terms of so I have it ow and then 2 term.
  • There is certain classes I can keep all year, if i took them.<br>Like journalism, and yearbook.<br>But I cant take those until junior year.

  • I have to switch all of my classes in mid-January.<br><br>These were all my fun classes though >.< Next semester I have like, another gym class *joy -.-* Math, History, all those fun things >.<<br><br>Im happy to get rid of this gym class, but at the same time I have to be sad since Im just getting switched to another one :roll: <br><br>I will miss my Art & Writing class for sure. No more English classes the rest of the year =(
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
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