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This is what happens when...

edited December 2008 in General Discussion
This is what happens when you and your two friends sit by each other in history while you're talking about the Inuits, or the Eskimos...<br><br>we're gonna call my other friend Drapple... :D<br><br><br>Teacher: The Inuits are a tribe in the north, around Canada. They prefer being called Inuits, not Eskimo's. Now. Your assignment is page 36 #1-5. It's due tomorrow.<br>*he sits down*<br>Grapple: *Starts singing* I'm proud to be an Eskimo...<br>Drapple: Where at least I know I'm Warm!<br>Grapple: And I wont, forget, the caribou who died, who gave their meat to me.<br>*thinks of more words to go along*<br>Frapple: And I'll proudly stand, up! And hit my head, on the igloo over me.<br>Grapple: Cause there aint no doubt, I love this glacier!!<br>*a second goes by*<br>Grapple: God Bless the Caribou and Meeee!<br>*Frapple writes down and then sends the paper around the room*<br>Frapple: We're a top recording artist group! WOOT!<br><br>lol. we randomly came up with this song.... the words just came to us! WE'RE SINGERS! We came up with an artist group, and we're the Noobles. YEAH! :mrgreen:<br><br>wow. talk about weird. :twisted:


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