This is what happens when you and your two friends sit by each other in history while you're talking about the Inuits, or the Eskimos...<br><br>we're gonna call my other friend Drapple...
<br><br><br>Teacher: The Inuits are a tribe in the north, around Canada. They prefer being called Inuits, not Eskimo's. Now. Your assignment is page 36 #1-5. It's due tomorrow.<br>*he sits down*<br>Grapple: *Starts singing* I'm proud to be an Eskimo...<br>Drapple: Where at least I know I'm Warm!<br>Grapple: And I wont, forget, the caribou who died, who gave their meat to me.<br>*thinks of more words to go along*<br>Frapple: And I'll proudly stand, up! And hit my head, on the igloo over me.<br>Grapple: Cause there aint no doubt, I love this glacier!!<br>*a second goes by*<br>Grapple: God Bless the Caribou and Meeee!<br>*Frapple writes down and then sends the paper around the room*<br>Frapple: We're a top recording artist group! WOOT!<br><br>lol. we randomly came up with this song.... the words just came to us! WE'RE SINGERS! We came up with an artist group, and we're the Noobles. YEAH!
<br><br>wow. talk about weird. :twisted:
22/100 mill so far
I Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t