<span style="font-size:75">A few of you are aware of my odd family. =] <br><br>So I will share of few recent cases with them I find highly amusing!<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Scenario: Working on algebra.</span><br>Dad: You're going to go screwy in your head if you don't keep track of your work. (-__-)<br>Me: Thanks. (^_^)<br>Dad: For what? (o_O)<br>Me: The compliment.. (o_o)<br>Dad: What? (x_<)<br>Me: Well when you said that I'm "<span style="font-style:italic">going</span> to go screwy" you're implying that I'm not screwy yet, which contrary to your belief otherwise of that statement I believe in as well, for now. And I say thank you.<br>Dad: (x____x)<br><br><br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Scenario: Little sister(call her Jen) falls on stairs.</span><br>Jen: MOM! I fell on the stone stairs when I was racing Bella!<br>Mom: Oh, Jen! Oh man, you just got <span style="font-style:italic">bangedddd</span>.<br><br><br>Yes, fellow VPians. That is exactly how she said it!</span>
