does anyone know how to use it?<br><br>i can't even get past the number one on my tutorital. See, I use to use it, so I have some sort of idea.<br><br>But please, if you know how, could I please ask you some questions? PM me.<br><br>thank you.
lol I also need help with learning to use it for lineart w/o a tablet... <br>So if you find that out, let me know...
<br><br>o.0 I do two kinds of lineart.<br><br>One is a more sloppy natural one. This involves photoshop and a tablet.<br><br>The other kind I use my mouse pad on gimp.*blinks* I never make lineart with a tablet on gimp. xDD
Uh yeah. I can't make a tutorial because I got rid of gimp and all.<br><br>But from what I remember..<br><br>-Make a new layer to go over your sketch (transparent)<br>-Click path tool<br>You will have to fiddle around with it to get used to it.<br>-When you formed a path you can bring up the path toolbar and click to stroke it. 1-2px is a good size.<br><br>If you need more help just ask. XD<br><br>I am not good at explaining as you can see.
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t