And then their suggestions have been used.<br>Well because I made a suggestion about a year and a few months ago, to have frozen semen/nitrogen tanks added on Virtualpups, and everyone liked it. Then I left VP for a year, and came back, and checked out VHR to see if anything had changed.. and guess what! Frozen semen tanks. I can't tell if they took this idea from me or just, came up with it themselves, but I'm sure this has happened before to someone. I think when the mods/admins take a suggestion and make it, they should give something or refer players to the person who suggested it or something. (I'm not asking for anything now, it's a bit late, and it doesn't matter) What do you think?<br>It wouldn't take any coding or anything, just a simple, "Thank you 'so and so'," somewhere, like on the main page. :}
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.