<br><br>If you need anything changed, just let me know ^-^ I'm working on the rest right now - it just took me about an hour and a half to upload these *stupid internet*
<br><br><br>I don't mind waiting...<br><br>These are really good =]
<br><br>His mane's missing, the only change I'd suggest would be adding that little bit in but if you don't want to or can't--seeing as I'm not really offering much payment-wise--I'll understand. XD <br>Seems like everyone misses his mane. ;P
Name: BobCat.<br>What do you want?: Neon Lime Green Wolf<br>Do you have any reference images?: Somewhat in a battle pose. Like the wolf is fighting<br>Any Extra Stuff?: The eye be either red or black. Whichever looks better.<br>Price: 700k
-updates list- Ok, I'll be working on these this evening, and since I can only get internet in one particular corner of the house for any reasonable bandwidth, I'll upload my batch all at once later tonight. It appears that the only thing my computer will handle reliably when I'm in my usual spot is mIRC (very confusing).
Name: Nickel<br>What do you want?: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel<br>Do you have any reference images?: <a href="http://flickr.com/photos/59216720@N00/3090299552/" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://flickr.com/photos/59216720@N00/3090299552/</a><br>Thats the colors I'd like, though I'd like her to be standing facing left, but her head more pointed towards the screen,<br>Any Extra Stuff?: She wears Purple&Orange striped socks on her front feet, and an orange headband xD If you can add those, that'd be great <br>Price: 1.5 mill<br><br>Name: Nickel<br>What do you want?: Wolf<br>Do you have any reference images?: Needs to be white w. green eyes. <br>A 'stalking' type pose would work ^^ Or just standing.<br>Any Extra Stuff?: Nope.<br>Price: 1 mill.<br><br>Name: Nickel<br>What do you want?: Brittany Spaniel<br>Do you have any reference images?: <br><a href="http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x6/Nickelsbanners/Dog Pics/tiff.jpg" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x6/N ... s/tiff.jpg</a><br>This pose works ^^ Or, however you'd like to do it xD<br>Any Extra Stuff?: <br>Price: 1 mill
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
yay! ^-^ I'm so glad you like them - I think that the style in which the sealyham is is the style I'll be trying to go for in the future. It's crazy how fast you improve at something if you just do it =D
Pffft! As my girlfriend would say - there's no such thing as talent. You make things that you think look like terdballs your whole life but if you really love what you're doing, you'll do it no matter what everyone else says. And that's how you create your own talent. Really, the only thing talent REALLY is, is love for what you're doing.
Artists! Submit your work to the VP Lineart Imagebase!
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