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It is FREEZING in here......

edited December 2008 in General Discussion
So I'm up in the Digital Labs at my college, up on the third floor, and I am freezing! <br>Now, I know they can't crank the heat on in here, because of the computers, but this is ridiculous! I can see my breath! I might as well be sitting out on the front steps in the snow. <br>My toes are cold..... and my fingers.<br><br>I"m trying to type a paper and all I can think about is how cold I am, I'm even wearing my winter coat.<br><br>I would rather it be a bit chilly in here than a bit to hot, how can I work when it's this cold?<br><br>*starts campfire on table to keep warm* :D <br><br>Ok, done ranting.<br><br>-Mammoth
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