I noticed that there are very few Twilight-related gifties on VP, and I decided that there's so many Twilight fans out there I could make some nice cash if I decided to sell some pups. <br><br>It's Christmas time, so hopefully I can get some dyes, but I need color ideas! I made some up already, there's a variety of characters I'd love dyes for, and the only one where I couldn't think up a color was Demetri... but here's the list of the characters I want colors for and the ones I though up for them.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Alice</span><br>Spiky Black Pixie Cut w. Yellow Porsche<br>Spiky Black Pixie Cut w. Gift of Foresight<br>Alice Cullen w. Yellow Porsche & Foresight<br>Alice Cullen w. 911 Turbo Porsche & Foresight<br>Spikey Black Hair w/ Pixie Figure & Grace <span style="color:blue">(Vampire Venom)</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Jasper</span><br>Jasper Hale w. Battle Scars &Emotional Influence<br>Honey Blonde Hair w. Battle Scars & Dark Past<br>Honey Blonde w. Bite Marks and Bloody Thoughts <span style="color:blue">(Vampire Venom)<br></span>Jasper Hale w. Honey Blonde Hair & Dark Eyes <span style="color:green">(SandyPaws)</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Rosalie</span><br>Rosalie Hale w. Dark Past & Unhappy Ending<br>Blonde Hair w. Inhuman Beauty & Vain Thoughts<br>Statuesque w. Wavy Blonde Hair & Inhuman Beauty<br>Stylish Blonde w. Love for Renesmee <span style="color:blue">(Vampire Venom)</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Emmett</span><br>Dark Curly Hair w. Superhuman Strength<br>Curly Brown Hair Vampire Wrestling Bear <span style="color:blue">(Vampire Venom)</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Carlisle</span><br>Deep Blonde w. Great Self-Control <span style="color:blue">(Vampire Venom)</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Esme</span><br>Curly Brown Hair w. Mothers Heart <span style="color:blue">(Vampire Venom)</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Victoria</span><br>Eyes Flickering Edgily<br>Wild & Chaotic w. Distinctly Feline Posture<br>Flaming Red w. Blood Red Eyes & Catlike Stance<br>Eyes Flickering Edgily w. Distinctly Feline Posture<br>Wild & Chaotic w. Eyes Flickering Edgily<br>Flaming Red Hair w. Red Eyes & Thirst For Revenge <span style="color:blue">(Vampire Venom)<br></span>Wild & Chaotic w. Catlike Stance & BloodRed Eyes<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">James</span><br>Red-Eyed Tracker w. Homicidal Intentions<br>Hunter w. Lust for Winning the Hunt <span style="color:blue">(Vampire Venom)</span><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Jane</span><br>Short Brown Hair w. Pain-Inflicting Thoughts <br>Small Girl w. Devil Smile and Painful Thoughts <span style="color:blue">(Vampire Venom)</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Alec</span><br>Quiet Boy w. Cloud of Painless Death <span style="color:blue">(Vampire Venom)</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Demetri</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Aro</span><br>Clouded Blood-Red Eyes<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Leah</span><br>Broken Hearted w. Bitter Past<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Seth</span><br>Long, Gangly Build w. Huge Happy Grin<br>Young Werewolf w. Sandy Colored Fur<br><br>I most likely won't make a dye for ALL those characters, but I'm looking for color ideas... so all you Twilight fans with creative minds help me! If I decide to use your color for a dye I'll send you 100k.<br><br>I don't need color suggestions for Edward, Bella, Jacob, or Renesmee
<br><br>(these can relate to any book)
<br><br>Oh and this isn't really a contest, but if you Ops feel it should be in that section you can go ahead and move it.[/siz
(email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )