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Fursonas be all the rage on VP xD.

edited December 2008 in General Discussion
I noticed lot of people have or are making fursonas. Why? I understand if an artist has one, I use mine (not a real "fursona", though xD) to show myself in my drawings, because I don't like drawing people. <br><br>But I haven't a clue why just anyone would want one. And I don't get why people are holding "fursona contests". When you want a fursona, I think you should make it yourself, 'cause no one else gets who you are more than yourself. I know people who develop and tweak their own for years to make it special to them, to make it reflect themselves and who they are. <br><br>A "fursona" is an animal that represents who the person is. Usually has little unique physical characteristics that make it special to the human it represents. <br><br>Boop de doo, this is a discussion thingy you guys, not a rant, I'm not angry, just puzzled.


  • Yeah I know. About a year ago they were the craze on VP. EVERYONE wanted one. <br>I personally wouldn't pay 40 million for a picture.<br>Just me though.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • xD People think a 'fursona' is just nine or ten different 'characters'. >_><br><br>I myself have my foxxet. xD Fox/Ferret. *nods* I've been described as a pit bull many many times, but I'm still a foxxet. =D
  • Yeah, I think people just like to have their 'character' drawn.<br> I cant draw, and would have an outcome of a <br>terribly drawn 'fursona' and I personally dont think of myself as <br>terrible looking :lol: But, nevertheless, I havent asked for one,<br> and dont plan on it. Actually, I did once... an orange/purple<br> horse xD But, whatever.. I liked it, and only payed 5 mill.<br><br>Personally, I would easily pay 40 mill for a picture if I -really-<br> liked it. Some artists on other websites have asked 60$+ for<br> art and I would easily pay that if I had the money.. but sadly I<br> never do =(<br><br>I get my 'characters' drawn all the time. THey dont always look<br> perfectly like how I think of them, but its still something nice<br> to keep me motivated to use my character. I can sort of draw people,<br> but I still havent gotten any good pictures of my<br> characters :? I just can't draw, so... that may be part of why<br> people like to buy their 'fursonas'<br><br>Another thing, if they have already drawn their fursona, is <br>sometimes people just like to have variety to their character,<br> and like to see them drawn various ways, by various people.<br><br><br>It benefits the artists anyway xD Nice sum of money for a<br> drawing :P
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • <span style="font-size:75">It's a fad. A year or so ago, people went fursona-crazy. Contests everywhere. Then it died out for a while, now it's back. *shrug* I'd always thought having a fursona would be neat so I took a few notes on what I wanted, and told people what I wanted, since I can't draw. xD Now by what I wanted, I mean I told them what markings, what colors, and where to put them. Not just I like orange, teal, and gray. I also like dogs. Have fun. xDD<br><br>See, I don't see much point in contests like that. I think the least you can do is decide what you want, if you don't know, then do it gradually. What colors, what do you like, what animal, breed, etc. And build yourself up. And best of all, pickiness is a must. For you can't have a fursona if it doesn't fit you. Me, I'm changing rapidly now, so the fact that Kyara used to be my fursie, it's laughable. Dagny I'm revamping so she can last a bit longer, but I might completely swap species soon. <br><br>I don't know. Contests like that annoy me, for no one knows you better than you.</span>
  • The main reason I would hold a contest like that on VP is because I like art/ Holding a fursona contest (to me) isn't about getting a picture of your "fursona" that looks just like what you imagine you would look anthropomophisized. I like to see all the different concepts and ideas that come from people, artistically, in response to a challenge. I personally find the word "fursona" to be inappropriate, especially for VP, but I can't exactly explain that reasoning on the forum XD
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