I noticed lot of people have or are making fursonas. Why? I understand if an artist has one, I use mine (not a real "fursona", though xD) to show myself in my drawings, because I don't like drawing people. <br><br>But I haven't a clue why just anyone would want one. And I don't get why people are holding "fursona contests". When you want a fursona, I think you should make it yourself, 'cause no one else gets who you are more than yourself. I know people who develop and tweak their own for years to make it special to them, to make it reflect themselves and who they are. <br><br>A "fursona" is an animal that represents who the person is. Usually has little unique physical characteristics that make it special to the human it represents. <br><br>Boop de doo, this is a discussion thingy you guys, not a rant, I'm not angry, just puzzled.