<br>Its 10000 a ticket. 10 spots! <br><br>Prizes: <br>1st: 2 mill, 2 8x4 trained dogs <br>2nd: 1 mill, 1 8x4 trained dog <br>3rd: 500k <br><br>Spots: <br><br>1: Pride21 <span style="color:red">(not paid-50000)</span><br>2:Pride21<br>3: Pride21<br>4: Pride21<br>5: Pride21<br>6:RacerFastRosy <span style="color:red">(not paid-50000)</span><br>7: RacerFastRosy <br>8: RacerFastRosy <br>9: RacerFastRosy <br>10: RacerFastRosy <br><br><span style="color:red">I will anounce winner when everyone has payed</span><br><br>When buying a ticket send the contract to Jailo with 10000 in it and 3 days, <br>Select other and in the notes put raffle! <br><br>Thanks Jailo ~Enter quick~.