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edited February 2009 in General Services
name is britti elizabeth :D


  • I know you are probably sad about no customers, but you may want to try lowering your price. Most layouts don't even reach 1 million. I do like the style though!
    DA Account
    53/50 Million by 1.31.10
    I MADE IT!!!
  • Right, I'll lower it :D
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • Background Theme: Subtle stars. Maybe a dark red background with a few cream-colored stars<br>Main Theme: Classic, clean, subtle stars<br>Box Themes: Either the cream star or a plain cream color<br>Kennel Slogan: Domination is the name of the game!<br>Breeds: Great Danes!<br>Banner Main Text: Drei Adler Hundehutte<br>Banner Sub-text: Breeding the Best Weight Pulling Great Danes<br>Player name: .Aly.<br>Kennel Name: Drei Adler Hundehutte<br>Extras: Make it look classy and clean! :D
  • Alright, I'm right on it :D
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • edited December 2008
    3Eagles' Layout Finished and Sent :D
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • Background Theme: Lime Neon Green & Black clouds... Kinda like a dark heavenly theme.<br>Main Theme: Dark Heavenly<br>Box Themes: Lime Neon Green w/ the text black<br>Kennel Slogan: Only True Rockers!<br>Breeds: Australian Terrier & American Staghound (if you can find good pics, I think has some good ones)<br>Banner Main Text: Kennel of Dreams<br>Banner Sub-text: Where Only True Rocker Dreams Come True!<br>Player name: BobCat.<br>Kennel Name: Kennel of Dreams<br>Extras: Since its a dream kennel, make it like a heaven theme but since I'm a rocker, make it like a rocker's heaven... If that makes sense. lol :wink: <br><br>Thank you! :D
  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; I'd like that layout. <br><br>Background Theme : background like yours but blue<br>Main Theme : Sunset & Dog<br>Box : white<br>Kennel Slogan : Breeding the Best Bull Terriers<br>Text Color : black<br>Preferred Breed : Bull Terrier<br>Banner Text : Sunset Star Kennels , directed by : Kallian Wolf<br>Banner Colors : Blue & Sunset Colors<br>Player Name : Kallian Wolf<br>Kennel Name : Sunset Star Kennels <br>Extras : Basically - Sunset , Dog , Blue & blue Colors.
    Hope to be back soon , bye till then VP :D
  • Background Theme: Maybe a black backgroud with abit of stars, space, or even fireworks..Have abit of fun, but nothing that looks like it is too busy or trashy.<br>Main Theme: Professional, clean, classy<br>Box Themes: something that compliments the layout and blends in well with the background<br>Kennel Slogan: Showing that we do more than just pull.<br>Breeds: I've got a soft spot for rottis at the moment. Maybe the main a rotti and a few other breeds like bulldog, german shepard<br>Banner Main Text: Bluegum Pullers<br>Banner Sub-text: Home to the elite eventers of VP<br>Player name: Pry<br>Kennel Name: Bluegum Pullers<br>Extras: Dark but clean, classy and unforgettable...willing to pay extra for absolute quality.<br><br> :D
  • [Working on Lovefrompaige's layout! Will be done shortly.]
    name is britti elizabeth :D
  • STYLE- style two..<br><br>BACKGROUND COLOR-Purple<br><br>MAIN THEME- stars of some sort, (not to bright tho)<br><br>BOX THEME/SOLID COLORS- solid colors, (what ever you think looks good)<br><br>KENNEL SLOGAN- We wont rest till we acheive the best.<br><br>TEXT COLOR- white, (or whatever you think looks good.)<br><br>PREFFERED BREEDS- Labradors and Blue Picardy Spaniels<br><br>BANNER TXT- (whatever you think is approprait)<br><br>BANNER COLORS- (whatever you think works with the background..)<br><br>PLAYER NAME- Lablover1993 (or just lablover either works)<br><br>KENNEL NAME- Kings Labs<br><br>EXTRAS- i would like scroll boxes instead of stationary, except for the side areas...
  • this still open?
  • :P
    It's just life. You'll get over it.
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