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Doggy. Critique?

edited November 2008 in Artist Alley
Verwirrung made me some awesome lineart and gave me permission to color it and sell colored ones. It did not have a copyright on it. And here is my first attempt at coloring the lineart. <br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>It looks sorta like a lion dog! I am somewhat happy wth the results. I might start selling them.<br>Critique?<br>Can someone make it transperant for me please pwetty please?
Clickey Please!



  • Pretty good for a start, I have some tips though<br><br>-Use separate layers for the lineart and each piece of coloring. For example, the layers could go like:<br><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">Lineart<br>Gold part of body<br>Brown part of Body<br>Gray part of Body<br>Pink part of body<br>etc.<br></ul>-Use the lineart on top of the layer you're coloring on. That way, you don't lose any of the original lines.<br><br>- Smudge some, on the piece where it has brown and gold. This gives it some texture.<br><br>-Use more than one shade for one color. For example, if the color is blue, use light blue, regular blue, and dark blue, and then smudge for a mixture of them. This gives it texture.<br><br>-Use the dodge/burn tool to shade. Dodge = lighter; burn = darker. <br><br>Hopefully these help some.
  • Thanks Jazz Ill work on that
    Clickey Please!

  • Out of curiosity What program do you use?
  • Everything xD Paint. Gimp used to work but It wont download for some reaseon. Can you help me. and also Photobucket fro some finishing touches
    Clickey Please!

  • Try re-downloading GIMP, it is much better than Paint :wink: Not to mention it's free... I have Photoshop Elements 6.0 and Corel Painter Essentials 4 and I still use GIMP because I cannot figure Photoshop or Painter for the life of me xDDD
  • It's Like a Sqiurall/Lion/Doggy! :D I love it! xD
    Click here to visit my deviantart
    "237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
  • Yes! It tis everything!
    Clickey Please!

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