My main kennel needs an update. <a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>I dont care what you really put on it. I am leaving it open for lots of creativity.<br><br>Must Have:<br>-5 link boxes<br>-6 spots for text<br>-A dropdown list<br>-Black as the secondary color<br>-Light orange as the text color.<br><br>You don't have to make a background because I like making my own *pokes heart background*.<br><br>First Place-5mill<br>Second Place-2mill<br>Third Place-1mill<br><br>**If you place you are allowing me to use the code for vp on my kennel page with appropriate credits listed. I will not manipulate the coding or change it in anyway except to add my text, links, and counter.<br><br>Any questions? Just ask. I would prefer the questions were asked on the thread since my inbox tends to get full fast and I may not recieve your message.<br><br>Ending TBA<br><br>**Edited**<br><br>You can set a theme if you wish. Here are some ideas:<br>-Music (rock)<br>-My pets (you can message for what you need)<br>-Breed theme (Border Collie or German Shepherd)<br>-Zodiac (sign Scorpio)<br>-Polka dots (can be other shades of light oranges)<br>-Art<br><br>Have your own idea? Message me if you want my input before you start. ;p