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edited November 2008 in General Discussion
What kind of tablets do you artists use? Pros, cons, and prices?<br><br>I'm thinking of getting one, but I'd like to hear reviews :)


  • I use a Bamboo Fun, it works really well for me, only problem I have is that that it occasionally freezes up when I'm drawing on GIMP, I dunno if the programs aren't compatible or what, but it is easily solved by removing and replacing the pen a few times :)
  • <span style="font-size:75">For some reason, a lot of tablets tend to be moody with Gimp.<br>I recommend Wacom. It's the brand I'm after. I used a LaPazz before, but it wasn't great.</span>
  • I just got a small BambooFun from Wacom. It's about the size of a standard mouse pad, which isn't a bad thing, I don't think people need a huge tablet to make good art. The small only costs 100$ and comes with some free programs, like Photoshop, Painter, and some other thing xD. <br>It also comes with a mouse. <br><br>So far I haven't had any trouble with it, it's pretty neat, I like it, though I'm still going to mainly do traditional art x3.
  • I use a Wacom Graphire tablet.<br><br>It's one of the smaller ones, also about the size of a mouse pad. It cost about $90, and came with Photoshop and a couple other programs, the tablet pen, and a mouse. =3
  • Sweet, thanks for making this thread.<br>I'm thinking of getting my Dad a tablet for Christmas. :D
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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