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"Enter ____ In All Events" button.

edited November 2008 in Game Suggestions
It sucks to have to click every single weight-pulling event to enter the same two dogs in. It would be sweet, and simple, to have a button where you can enter a dog in every event that it is applicable to, each turn.<br><br>So Rocky, a Regional Schutzhund Australian Shepherd, can be entered into 4 Open, Regional, or Herding-class events. Same goes for Max, a Junior Neo, can be entered in all Open, Junior, or Working-class events. When the dog is turned, this button can be pressed again, and the game would enter the dog in the next 4 events.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>The list under the heading indicates there would be a drop-down list.<br><br>For team events, it should have a question on the side: Enter your dog in team events? Then you can click yes or no. Then when you click yes, it could have a popup thing on the page asking if you want to enter another dog as the teammate.<br><br>It would just make the whole process easier for people who mass-event, like me, and probably loads of other people. :wink:
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.


  • Loveeeee ittt.<br><br>I definitely think that something needs to be done to speed up the event entering process. It's way too tedious.<br><br>I have great showing dogs, but I rarely show them due to the fact that it takes such a long time to enter events.
  • While you think it will make the eventing process quicker, I highly doubt it will. <br><br>Why?<br><br>Cause every time you set the perimeters on a dog and click go, the server will have to search through EVERY event there is. That will cause massive stress on the server, and with the number of people who would be using it, I'ld be surprised if it DIDN'T result in massive lag.<br><br>That, and it would be a pain to code . . .<br><br>Just my thoughts ;)
  • But let's say you only want to enter events that are less than 1k.... if you clicked the server would probably put you in theese events anyway....Thus money goes bye-bye.....Thats just my thoughts....
  • True. Or what if on each event you can click more than one dog at a time?
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • That could be really helpful, i do show alot of dogs.....hmmm...
  • Maybe you could just select all four dogs you wanted to enter at once, instead of having to go through the drop down menu each time?<br><br>And then there could be a drop down menu, for things like flyball, where you selected which dog to set as team leader...
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