It sucks to have to click every single weight-pulling event to enter the same two dogs in. It would be sweet, and simple, to have a button where you can enter a dog in every event that it is applicable to, each turn.<br><br>So Rocky, a Regional Schutzhund Australian Shepherd, can be entered into 4 Open, Regional, or Herding-class events. Same goes for Max, a Junior Neo, can be entered in all Open, Junior, or Working-class events. When the dog is turned, this button can be pressed again, and the game would enter the dog in the next 4 events.<br><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>The list under the heading indicates there would be a drop-down list.<br><br>For team events, it should have a question on the side: Enter your dog in team events? Then you can click yes or no. Then when you click yes, it could have a popup thing on the page asking if you want to enter another dog as the teammate.<br><br>It would just make the whole process easier for people who mass-event, like me, and probably loads of other people.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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