Sponsors should get an extra bonus.<br><br>There could be a page where you can create your own custom dog foods. The price would change with the types of ingredients you can select (which may or may not have an impact on the dog's grooming or condition). Let's say if somebody creates one called, "Maximum Muscle," the ingredients could be chosen, and each ingredient ratioed 1-5.<br><br>For example, the maximum number can be 15. <br>In this case, Maximum Muscle has protein 5, fat 3, vaccines 4, carbohydrates 3. <br>- The correct amount of protein and carbohydrate mixed together could have an impact on the endurance of the dog.<br>- The correct amount of fat could keep the coat condition exceptional.<br>- The correct amount of vaccines would keep the condition high even if the dog's exhausted (but the loyalty would still go down).<br><br>Whoever does the coding can choose if they'd like the food to have an impact on the dog's condition or not. It could be just a fun thing to have on the side.<br><br>And like, the certain ratios would have a certain expense.<br>--Every ratio 5, would be like $8.00<br>--Every ratio 4, would be $7.00<br>--Every ratio 3, $6.00 .......and so on.<br><br><br>a) The person can name the dog food anything they want, like Canidae, Eagle Pack, Timberwolf, Iams, [unless there's copyright issues but there probably isnt] or just something random, like Maximum Muscle or Cashmere Coat Formula or Power and Endurance.<br>b) The person can pick the ingredients and ratios.<br>c) The person can assign different foods to different dogs/puppies.<br>d) There can be two boxes to switch regarding the age of the dogs.<br>e) <span style="font-size:67">EDIT</span> Three boxes to switch regarding the calibre of dog (stud, dame, neuter).<br><br>Some foods could possibly have an impact on the stud's quality, <br>like some stats go up by like .5 from what they would normally have been in the offspring.<br>Same with the dame; her pups stats .5 up, depending on the dog food formula.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
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