<img src="http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/2258/66110960cr9.png" alt="http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/2258/66110960cr9.png" class="bb-image" /><br><br>I recently joined Devain Art, And I added this to my art collection on there xD My Screen Name there is "DonutPie" So I do alot of donut or pie pictures <br><br><br>Oh and the little icon in the corner is by MEH MEH MEH MEH! It took me FOREVERs to get the pixals right xD Please let meh know what you think of that too <br><br><br>I think my favorite comment I got on this picture was <br><br><br>"Love Hurts"
I dun know xD Thats my screen name on devian art. I made that little icon in the picture for it <br><br><br>I gess a donutpie is a pie filled with jelly & covered in frosting and sprinkles xD *dies of over suger-ness* I would never eat anything with that mutch suger! xD
*gasp* What flavor was it?! :shock: <br><br>lol As always Chibi, I loves it to death! <br>Hehe, maybe I was the one who took a bite out it of... My little fang marks might be in there...
*Chibi Gasps*<br>*Pie Evil Eyes BoberCat*<br><br>Thank You Bobcat! xD Your support means alot to me! <br><br>It ish...grape pie? I always tend to make the filling purple
<br><br><br>Thank You Very Mutch Dusty xD ^^ I'm very happy you like it I made the original version, but my computer kept messing it up :< Thank You very mutch I apreaciate it xD
-tummy gurgles-<br><br>YUMMY! :shock: <br>-ish Chibi open for bannahs?
<br><br>mhm o.O anythin bober wants. it ish free for bobcat xD if I made it tomarrow would that be okie with you? I have to let my little brother play soon and I don't want to give you a sloppy rushed banner xD
Thats fine. <br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Info:</span><br>Text: Who'd Ever Thunk It!?<br>Subtext: A BobCat & A Wolf As Best Buds...<br>Pics: A bobcat and a wolf cub and pup playing with eachother<br>Colors: Cute!<br>Size: the size on my siggy you made
Thats fine. <br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">Info:</span><br>Text: Who'd Ever Thunk It!?<br>Subtext: A BobCat & A Wolf As Best Buds...<br>Pics: A bobcat and a wolf cub and pup playing with eachother<br>Colors: Cute!<br>Size: the size on my siggy you made
<br><br>Gotcha I'll make it cute ^^ I'll make it as soon as I get home from school. xD
Grrrrr..... My eyes keep going to that donut on the counter. (Better not eat it xD My brother would kill me) <br><br>Your banneh is amazing once more xD
yesh ^^ free for rydie too :P but I have to get it done tomarrow xD Just pm what you'd like and I'll make it tomarrow <br><br><br>( <span style="font-style:italic"> Sorreh peoples, banners are temp. closed after 8:00</span> )
I'm curious...<br>What does chibi use to make awesome - amazing - spectacular - magnificent - superb - outstanding - beautiful - extreme - wowzers - banners?<br>Hmmm? Hmmm? Hmmmmmmmm? :shock:
<br><br><br>Haha Thank You very mutch bobers xD thank you very very mutch <br><br>To be honest Chibs uses PAINT (is instailed on all computers) and then I use GIMP to make it extra good looking I need photoshop so badly *wimpers*
Haha thank you! xD I have the issue of having my cats run thru the house and make me jump and move the mouse I get a big ugly mark on what I was making though xD
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m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t