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*Circus Music Plays While Chibi Balences on a Ball*

On Saterday I went to the Circus.....yea yea dun lagh at me! At first I almost choked when my mom said "Hey, Lets go to the Circus! :D" (I was sipping water at the time) because ya know I thought it was childish. But I have to edmit, how could you <span style="font-style:italic">not</span> be entertained by Dancing Tigers and elephants doing a conga line? xD I have to admit I was impressed. They even had dogs doing agility in tu-tus! How cute. And thanks to VP I knew what breeds of dog they were. (lol) It wasn't one of those circuses with a red tent, it was in an arena. It was really clean and nice in there. Oh Oh Oh! And I even got to see goats riding on the backs of poneys riding on hoarses!! I saw Llamas but the didn't do anything o.O<br><br><br>Just thought I'd Share, Anyone else been to anything fun lately? :)
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  • Weird..I went to a circus to...
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • Really? When Did you go? I went Saturday. :o
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    "237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
  • No.Way.Me.Too.<br><br>I went w/ -get ready for a long list-<br><br>Jerome<br>Sarah<br>Meri<br>Staph<br>Madds<br>Carter<br>Hunter<br>Ty<br>Max<br>Devon<br>Barbie<br>Nikki<br>Conley<br>Bret
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • Haha! Sounds like Good times! xD I only went with my fam :? <br><br>lol wouldn't it be weird if we went to the same circus? lol, I love the circus though, I saw really cool (Overpriced!) Things to buy xD I saw this plush elephant w/ little decorations on it and a shiney white glass hoarse. But it was like 30$ each xD But I got this big yellow hat w/ pokadots on it and it said "The Greatest Show on Earth" on the top. xD lol but it came with my cotton candy lol.
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    "237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
  • it would be so weird if it was the same circus<br><br>you didnt happen to see a group of teenagers who werent drunk but looked like it cuz they were goofing around did you?
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • I didn't get to look around to mutch because this FULL GROWN woman keep standing up in front of me o.o And then she had her kids sit on her lap and then they stood up >.< o.o >.<
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    "237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
  • I've never gone to a circus.. In fact, I can't remember a funny place I've ever went to that had dancing bears in a conga line... :shock: lol<br><br>But I did go to school yesterday. My math teacher is a total weirdy. :lol: <br>He is getting ready to show us a video and he goes to pull down the overhead screen projector thingy, and when he pulls, it completely pulled out of the bass and fell onto the floor!<br><br>1) My math teacher screamed like a girl cause he thought it was gonna fall on him...<br>2) He walked back up to it, stood with his hands in his pockets...<br>3) Just looked at it more...<br>4) Picked it up and looked at it like he was buying fabric at a fabric store...<br>5) Then, out of nowhere, said, "Unlucky..." and walked away and sat down at his desk. <br><br>We did absolutely nothing that day!! But the way he said it... HE SOUNDS LIKE CREMET THE FROG!!! :shock: It was frigin hilarious!!!!
  • Well, and this is just my oppinion..<br>I HATE CIRCUSES (unless there are no animals)<br><br>I will go ranting about why, so I shall just shush now xD
    Please PM if I win anything.
  • because you think circus animals are mistreated, pishy?
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • PishPosh wrote:
    Well, and this is just my oppinion..<br>I HATE CIRCUSES (unless there are no animals)<br><br>I will go ranting about why, so I shall just shush now xD
    <br><br><br>ik! I luff the animals, I really enjoyed this circus because before it starts you get to see them warm up with the animals and dun worry, it looks like they treat there animals nicely because they had no whips or anything. (I would have climbed into the areana and beat the ring master if there were.) I saw them petting the tigers and giving them treats and they give them toys to play with and I do truely hope they treat the animals right. :)
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    "237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
  • The tigers @ the circus I went to were like, adorable
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • PishPosh wrote:
    Well, and this is just my oppinion..<br>I HATE CIRCUSES (unless there are no animals)<br><br>I will go ranting about why, so I shall just shush now xD
    <br>Same here, I won't say anymore though.
  • Jazzeh, is it because circus commonly mistreat their animals?
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • That, and I just don't think wild animals like elephants and bears etc should be just locked up like that and kept in trailers most of the time. They need space. The dogs and cats I can understand, but the exotic animals just... ugh.
  • Mhm. This is true. I am going to sabatoge this real fast. jazzums, go post in my presents for mi buds post. NOW. Done sabatoging >.>
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
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