*sigh* Ok this one might be a bit confusing.<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Narrow Path</span><br><br>My face is as gaunt as a giant moth's wings<br>That struggle against the wind's song<br>My tears are as salty as those crystal things<br>Because I realize I am very wrong.<br><br>My lips are as cracked as rigor mortis<br>I know it as I give the last kiss<br>My eyes are as pale as winter's first snow<br>Because I realize I am on death row.<br><br>My hands are as shaky as hypothermia<br>Splashing blood and water and skin<br>My nails are as green as a gangrene hernia<br>Because I realize I am sick within.<br><br>My abdomen is as bloated as wet peat<br>Rising from uncontrollable stench and heat<br>My umbilicus is caving in like a canyon<br>Because I realize I am hungry of a companion.<br><br>My thighs are as red as a third degree burn<br>The ignescence scratches at my sensitivity<br>My knees are as secluded as a mountain fern<br>Because I realize I lost my connectivity.<br><br>My ankles are as crooked as ankyloglossia<br>Unable to speak and move without tripping<br>My toes are as scarred as Tanzania<br>Because I realize I've been slipping.<br><br>My body is as tired a triathlon<br>Lacking any reason to bounce back<br>My soul is thirsty for oxygen like a yawn<br>Because I realize I'm on the wrong track.<br><br>© Reina Wishart 2008<br><br><span style="font-size:75">NO TAKING!!!!!!</span>
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.