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Reset Training Button

edited November 2008 in Game Suggestions
Resets the training on a dog. Would need a "Are You Sure?" page too.<br><br>Resets skills to 0<br>Resets stats to a set breed average (like random generated import stats)<br>Keeps age the same<br><br>That way some of these ugly-statted rescues can be reused. ><


  • =P i second kyt's idea x3 D: i have had to retire MANY good stated dogs that werent trained well.
  • Love itttt :]<br><br>But maybe it should be to rescue kennels and cost for everyone else?
  • I'd have to say no. If stats were reset to a breed standard, and the dog's starting stats were worse, that'd be a cheap way to get better stats. I realize this wouldn't be the case 100% of the time, but it's still an issue. If anything, I'd say go ahead and add something to reset the skills, but the skills only. Stats would remain as they were, as would age.<br><br>Overall, though, I don't think this would be beneficial enough to add all that coding.
  • I agree with the thing about it would just be a cheaper way to get a better statted dog.<br><br>So maybe only make it available to dogs in a rescue kennel?
  • Limiting it to dogs in a rescue kennel doesn't resolve that issue. ;)
  • Making it be expensive for rescue kennels? [xD]<br><br>Like a couple mil? More expensive than a training?
  • Making it be expensive for rescue kennels? [xD]<br><br>Like a couple mil? More expensive than a training?
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Then I don't think anybody would use it, personally.<br>I sure wouldn't for one simple rescued dog I had that might as well be released.<br><br>My two cents o.o</span>
  • Making it be expensive for rescue kennels? [xD]<br><br>Like a couple mil? More expensive than a training?
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Then I don't think anybody would use it, personally.<br>I sure wouldn't for one simple rescued dog I had that might as well be released.<br><br>My two cents o.o</span>
    <br><br>Very true >.<<br><br>I just really like this idea xD<br>Because, I know when I first started, I would just get a couple of cheap rescue dogs, breed 'em up, whatevs, produce horrible pups, etc...<br><br>Since they are so cheap, and many of them are so bad, I think it just leads to more poor-statted dogs on VP...
  • Making it be expensive for rescue kennels? [xD]<br><br>Like a couple mil? More expensive than a training?
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Then I don't think anybody would use it, personally.<br>I sure wouldn't for one simple rescued dog I had that might as well be released.<br><br>My two cents o.o</span>
    <br><br>Very true >.<<br><br>I just really like this idea xD<br>Because, I know when I first started, I would just get a couple of cheap rescue dogs, breed 'em up, whatevs, produce horrible pups, etc...<br><br>Since they are so cheap, and many of them are so bad, I think it just leads to more poor-statted dogs on VP...
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Well if you'd like to help get rid of all of the bad-statted dogs ruining lines...<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Check that out. ^^ Complete with <span style="font-style:italic">prizes</span> and all! ;]</span>
  • You have to keep in mind though that there are limitless dogs on VP. If a dog doesn't have good stats, it doesn't hurt anything to release/retire them. <br><br>I promise there will always be better and worse dogs out there, even if this were to be implemented. It really wouldn't solve anything in the long run. People would still breed badly statted dogs.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • Alabama wrote:
    You have to keep in mind though that there are limitless dogs on VP. If a dog doesn't have good stats, it doesn't hurt anything to release/retire them. <br><br>I promise there will always be better and worse dogs out there, even if this were to be implemented. It really wouldn't solve anything in the long run. People would still breed badly statted dogs.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2"> think she's aware of that.<br>What I think Kyt is saying that there are so many dogs that could be put to use, except for the bad training. This would be a way for people to be able to use lots of the dogs that they rescue and/or buy.</span></span>
    Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel :)
  • I find some awesome rescues, like gifties or x4s or something of those likes. If it weren't for the horribly done skills, I'd totally keep them or put them up for adoption.<br><br>So maybe only having a skills reset would be good. *nods* That's the main problem.
  • I like the idea of a skills reset, but for dogs inside of a rescue kennel only, and should keep the stats and age the same. I get what kyt is getting at, I've passed over some that would have made rather good show dogs but some one trained the skills in a little bit of all four? :\<br><br>Also might make more people buy from rescues, which would generate more money on the game, as well as make more of the money that players have circulate :3
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • I like the idea but I think it should be only skills too.
  • the skills idea is good.. but i think it would be more useful if the dogs age was reset to 0 too. x3 <br>o.o and instead of being able to do that to a dog anytime you want, there could be a limit,(kinda like imports) ;P just an idea
  • I like the idea of resetting skills, but not resetting stats. ;)
  • Krolak wrote:
    the skills idea is good.. but i think it would be more useful if the dogs age was reset to 0 too. x3 <br>o.o and instead of being able to do that to a dog anytime you want, there could be a limit,(kinda like imports) ;P just an idea
    <br><br>If everything was reset, it'd be used WAY too much, and would cause problems for dogs being bred and such. After all, if a dog has puppies, and then has it's age reset to 0... It wouldn't make much sense for it to have had puppies, right?
  • I vote reset skills, but not age.<br><br>:]
  • I vote reset skills, but not age.<br><br>:]
    <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75">Me, too. :]<br><br>Did someone suggest this in the Sticky in General Discussion?</span></span>
  • xD i get it now..
  • I vote reset skills, but not age.<br><br>:]
    <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75">Me, too. :]<br><br>Did someone suggest this in the Sticky in General Discussion?</span></span>
    <br><br>I didn't. I thought I'd get response first.
  • Kazuko wrote:
    I vote reset skills, but not age.<br><br>:]
    <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75">Me, too. :]<br><br>Did someone suggest this in the Sticky in General Discussion?</span></span>
    <br><br>I didn't. I thought I'd get response first.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">Good idea ;D Well you can now. -smiles-</span></span>
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