NICKELL!!!!!!!!!<br><br>THAT IS SO BEUTIFUL! I used to do photography, but my camera got busted. :C This is so beutiful, the lighting is magical, and that is just pure talent how you got a butterfly on that beutiful flower.<br><br>How Zoomed was this? 8D
NICKELL!!!!!!!!!<br><br>THAT IS SO BEUTIFUL! I used to do photography, but my camera got busted. :C This is so beutiful, the lighting is magical, and that is just pure talent how you got a butterfly on that beutiful flower.<br><br>How Zoomed was this? 8D
<br><br><br>Wasnt zoomed at all, I actually had to zoom out xD My lens almost was touching the butterfly o.o Thanks much =D Sorry for the late responses xD<br><br><br>And thanks bobbeh & Kels ^^ I will be posting more later tonight hopefully... =D
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
<span style="font-style:italic">here's some writing I did recently for a writing workshop on dA.. </span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">I know...</span><br>By: Nickel<br><br><br>Jade was breathless, running blindly through the fog. She couldn't remember anymore if it was early or late, she forgot in the sudden fleeing that disabled her mind. I can't make it this time. She inhaled thick wisps of air; the moisture was bittersweet to her throat as it swept into her lungs. Her legs pulsed with grace even in her panic. Just breathe. She was athletic. She had to be for this dangerous lifestyle.<br><br>It was stupid to wander off on her own, she knew that the second she decided to sneak out and roam the moonlit terrain. Still, she needed alone time. She had always been a loner. It was difficult for her to trust anyone… there was only one she did trust.<br><br>She sucked in a quick, heavy breathe when her body hit something. Someone. She recognized his scent the moment she stopped fighting his strong hold. She could hear him shushing her, though she hardly noticed the sound. Settling for a moment, she allowed her eyes to drift up to his. His tall, lanky body towered over her in a protective stance and his silver eyes shone beneath his tousled black hair, which was where she found her resort.<br><br>"Crevan, we need to go," Jade said with breathless words, suddenly frantic again. He looked behind her and softly shook his head.<br><br>"They changed their course."<br><br>"They what?" she turned slightly in his arms to look behind. Of course, she couldn't see anything. The fog was as thick as it had been. She allowed herself a moment to listen, but all she could hear was Crevan's heartbeat close to her, and her breathing slowly calming.<br><br>"There weren't enough to handle two of us," he explained.<br><br>"How did you know where I was?" she asked, ignoring the logic behind his recent statement.<br><br>"I know the places you run away to," he said casually, allowing a subtle smile to cross his lips.<br><br>
<br><br>Crevan knew she had wandered. He watched her walk out the door, as she had so many other times after he had woken from the slight warning creak the door threw his way. It annoyed him that she would do that, knowing the current state of their life.<br><br>He found himself walking through the clouded fields, following a faint path that was worn through the tall grass. He hadn't gotten far before he sensed an enemies presence. Damn it. He heard running once he started picking up his pace, so he cut across the field. His long legs carried him quickly, and he paced his breathing so he could last longer in case the sprint carried him too far.<br><br>He managed to get ahead of the pack, and not long before he was able to slow his pace he found a place to stand directly in her path. He couldn't see her exactly, but he could tell it was her by the pacing of her feet.<br><br>He hardly flinched when she ran right into him, clearly not paying attention. Jade. He sighed and lightly calmed her with a "shh" as he tightened his grasp around her. She was clearly scared, which was unlike her, and he figured that she would just explain she had been surprised later.<br><br>"Crevan, we need to go," she said with an anxious breath, and immediately he found himself staring behind her, trying to get an idea of what was still behind them. Nothing.<br><br>"They changed their course," he said calmly, certain they had turned around due to a lack of numbers.<br><br>"They what?" She said, and he loosened his grasp slightly to allow her to turn. He didn't know what she thought she would see, he was much better at detecting than she was, and there was no way her eyes would adjust past the thick hazy walls surrounding them.<br><br>"There weren't enough of them to handle two of us," he explained further, noticing confusion in her emerald eyes.<br><br>"How did you know where I was?"<br><br>"I know the places you run away to," he couldn't help but to smile lightly at that idea, though he knew that he would catch hell later for trying to be romantic.<br><br>
<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... -145213714</a><br><br>Crevan and Jade are my characters This kind of stems off their storyline, which I suppose I should explain a -little- about, though I am rather paranoid to give complete details on my ideas.<br><br>The things chasing after them, are all over the place pretty much... they are catlike (very ugly) creatures, and although common, they are pretty powerful. There are 'safety zones' which are cities, to which Crev & Jade (and the other two people working with them) reside while they're not out 'ridding the world of evil'. So, Jade was wandering outside the city, because she hates the city xD<br><br>Crevan and Jade are shape shifters (Crevan a fox, which is ironically what his name means, and Jade an Ocelot)<br><br>Other than that... I'm afraid to explain much more. And sorry for the cheesy explanation. It really isnt that dull (I hope anyway)<br><br>
<br><br>anyway xD thanks for reading. comments/critique are appreciated ^^
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
<span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:#ff00d2">Omg I loved it. xDD<br>I demand more Crevan and Jade writing. D8</span></span>
<br><br><br>xD Thanks. I'm working on another one shot of sorts... <br><br><br><br>and... a new poem that came about as randomness xD<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">You</span><br><span style="font-style:italic">By Nickel</span><br><br><br>You walk a road of lesser fortunes<br>Taking the low road<br>Hands in pocket<br>Watching the world rush by<br><br>You never once question<br>why the world is unfair<br>why everything was torn<br>to blinding pieces<br>right before your eyes<br><br>You just live.<br><br>You just keep walking<br>without acknowledging failure<br>as a depressing factor<br>You see it as an accomplishment<br><br>You are never hidden from sight<br>yet somehow you go unseen<br>and you don't care<br><br>You don't beg for fame,<br>it's not your style to be the sun<br>you'd rather form a shadow<br><br>You realize the faults humanity has<br>without bothering to scold it,<br>you only wish to change it slowly<br>precisely and patiently<br><br>Unlike so many others...<br><br>You are an unknown hero,<br>and you wish nothing of it. <br><br>
<br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
She is a grumpy cat tho.<br>Poor girl is 13 know and we adopted her at the age of 1 so who knows how she was treated D; <br><br>But if you'd like to your welcome too haha
Stock Images: I figure these could be useful for some people ^^<br><br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br><br>I will be adding more stock there as I go through my files and find things I find suitable to 'give away' ;D<br><br><br>All of my stock is clearly labeled stock image in the title. Please DO NOT use any images in my gallery not labeled as such. I do not have a separate account for stock images, so this is the best I can do for that ^^
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
<span style="font-size:92">o: i love the picture of the dog running in the water! <3333<br>so pretty. ^^<br><br>+ your stock images are really good. [=</span>
<span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000FF">Its so funny XD I don't think I've ever told you this before but Tucker's got curly hair like meh XD So whenever I see him in one of your photos, I always think thats what I would look like if I was a dog lmao<br>CUTE! </span></span>
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
<br><br>Crevan knew she had wandered. He watched her walk out the door, as she had so many other times after he had woken from the slight warning creak the door threw his way. It annoyed him that she would do that, knowing the current state of their life.<br><br>He found himself walking through the clouded fields, following a faint path that was worn through the tall grass. He hadn't gotten far before he sensed an enemies presence. Damn it. He heard running once he started picking up his pace, so he cut across the field. His long legs carried him quickly, and he paced his breathing so he could last longer in case the sprint carried him too far.<br><br>He managed to get ahead of the pack, and not long before he was able to slow his pace he found a place to stand directly in her path. He couldn't see her exactly, but he could tell it was her by the pacing of her feet.<br><br>He hardly flinched when she ran right into him, clearly not paying attention. Jade. He sighed and lightly calmed her with a "shh" as he tightened his grasp around her. She was clearly scared, which was unlike her, and he figured that she would just explain she had been surprised later.<br><br>"Crevan, we need to go," she said with an anxious breath, and immediately he found himself staring behind her, trying to get an idea of what was still behind them. Nothing.<br><br>"They changed their course," he said calmly, certain they had turned around due to a lack of numbers.<br><br>"They what?" She said, and he loosened his grasp slightly to allow her to turn. He didn't know what she thought she would see, he was much better at detecting than she was, and there was no way her eyes would adjust past the thick hazy walls surrounding them.<br><br>"There weren't enough of them to handle two of us," he explained further, noticing confusion in her emerald eyes.<br><br>"How did you know where I was?"<br><br>"I know the places you run away to," he couldn't help but to smile lightly at that idea, though he knew that he would catch hell later for trying to be romantic.<br><br>
<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... -145213714</a><br><br>Crevan and Jade are my characters
<br><br>anyway xD thanks for reading. comments/critique are appreciated ^^
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
<br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t