Welcome to novice help program! What do we do? We are a trainging help. I us money raised to give to novices so they can get their dogs trained. It's amazing, because it will really brighten the game. There is another option too! Instead of having your dog trained, maybe you want a new dog! Well, we provide those too! Donate today, or check to see when the next raffle is, and if there is one oon now! A raffle just ended! Look at the money raised on the top 10 ticket buyers. Now we are running a best dog pic contest! Best pic made for my SUPERPUPs win. There is a male and female entry. It is 10k to enter. Prizes are- 50k plus a superpup and free layout for top 3 people and the winner gets a bonus superpup! MONEY RAISED: 370K <br><br>YOU CAN ONLY ENTER ONCE!<br>Please post your entries here... PIC WILL NOT BE JUDGED WITHOUT PAYMENT OF THE ENTRY FEE!<br><br>Just a tip, the female's name is Magic and the Male's name is Ally...