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Ludie && BFF's AWSOMEST Theories List...

<span style="font-size:92">Okies, well, me and my BFF are weirdos. We make up theories... :D<br><br>Like these -gigglesnorts-</span><br><br><span style="color:violet"><span style="font-size:125">*Ludie && BFF's:</span></span><br><br><span style="font-size:92">Crushes :roll: <br>We work hard on getting them to notice us. Like, climbing a long, steep hill. It's no piece of cake! As we like them, we keep walking up the damn hill. Then, we realized, okay, if no one's going to do ANYTHING about the whole crushing situation, then why bother CLIMBING the DAMN hill?! No point. No reason. So, drop it. That's when you stop on the hill and think secondly, 'Hmm... do I liked them enough to go through all this hill-climbing... with all these diversions and stallings and obstacles?' And once you've made your decision [wise or NOT], you either turn around and go back down, or keep walking up... it's exhausting, right? Well, sometimes you get so close to the top, you really don't want to stop, and you start pushing your luck. You run up that stupid damn hill and leave behind all your restraining thoughs that kept you from just bolting up that damn hill that whole time. Sometimes you reach the victory, the jackpot, your prince charming in shining armor. OR, your whole hill collapses beneath you when your prince [or, your ex-prince] rejects you...<br>You get the theory, right? xD<br><br>Topics and Conversations 8)<br>You know when you're talking about your best friend's dog's hyperness and all of a sudden you're actually talking about your own dog's laziness or something <span style="font-style:italic">totally</span> different? Yeah, that's called jumping from branch to branch. You're sitting [or as I'd like to call it, hovering] on one branch and all of the sudden it's forgotten about and deserted as you've already jumped to a different branch! Then, SNAP! goes the branch you've currently jumped to, and you go back to the other branch. Tricky concept, eh? You'll get it eventually xD<br><br>I'll add some more, and feel free to post your own xD It's just for fun, they don't have to make sense to anybody else, only you.</span>


  • <span style="font-size:92">Hey! Post some theories! Lol.</span>
  • Erm well I have a theory that personality and looks go deeper than DNA. <br><br>Most people who have quite the same personality, I've found, will dress and even look similar to others like that. They lead similar lives, and have similar friends. I first discovered this I suppose when I met Bill, a neighbour with a cute Jack Russel Terrier that I used to walk, named Sue. But anyway, Bill was an intelligent guy, he just didn't make many of the right choices. Bill, my friend Breanne, and I used to talk for hours about things like disfunctional families, the solar system, and a whole host of other things. And then Andrew introduced mum and I to his tenant, Gordon, who not only looked like Bill, but had many of the same interests, and most curious of all, was the fact that his dog, was also named Sue. <br><br>Unless one is truly religious and believes that we are all descended from two people (which would mean a lot of incest!) These "coincidences" are not by DNA. Two people who have never met, look almost the exact same (with the exception of eye colour, as Bill's were brown and Gordon's were blue) , act almost exactly the same, and like the same things. Thus my confusing theory. But I have seen a few other instances. My friends Brock and Robert, Mandy and Alyssa, Alyssa(different!) and Kayley, Ryan and Brian (which was shocking, as they looked quite similar, had the same name, liked the same things, and were about the same age (Ryan is two days older than Brian). They had a similar way of speaking as well.) <br><br>So, yes... that's one of my theories. Confusing, and hard to follow, but if you actually get a chance to study it, its fascinating. It almost makes me want to abandon my pursuit of becoming a paediatrician, and become a psychologist.<br><br><br><br>Just to be clear, I am not attacking anyone's religion with this post, I am just a very cynical and skeptic person.

    (email/msn is now posted, so add me, but make sure to let me know who you are :] )
  • rohesia wrote:
    Erm well I have a theory that personality and looks go deeper than DNA. <br><br>Most people who have quite the same personality, I've found, will dress and even look similar to others like that. They lead similar lives, and have similar friends. I first discovered this I suppose when I met Bill, a neighbour with a cute Jack Russel Terrier that I used to walk, named Sue. But anyway, Bill was an intelligent guy, he just didn't make many of the right choices. Bill, my friend Breanne, and I used to talk for hours about things like disfunctional families, the solar system, and a whole host of other things. And then Andrew introduced mum and I to his tenant, Gordon, who not only looked like Bill, but had many of the same interests, and most curious of all, was the fact that his dog, was also named Sue. <br><br>Unless one is truly religious and believes that we are all descended from two people (which would mean a lot of incest!) These "coincidences" are not by DNA. Two people who have never met, look almost the exact same (with the exception of eye colour, as Bill's were brown and Gordon's were blue) , act almost exactly the same, and like the same things. Thus my confusing theory. But I have seen a few other instances. My friends Brock and Robert, Mandy and Alyssa, Alyssa(different!) and Kayley, Ryan and Brian (which was shocking, as they looked quite similar, had the same name, liked the same things, and were about the same age (Ryan is two days older than Brian). They had a similar way of speaking as well.) <br><br>So, yes... that's one of my theories. Confusing, and hard to follow, but if you actually get a chance to study it, its fascinating. It almost makes me want to abandon my pursuit of becoming a paediatrician, and become a psychologist.<br><br><br><br>Just to be clear, I am not attacking anyone's religion with this post, I am just a very cynical and skeptic person.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">That's definitely intelligent. -Stares- And most likely confusing to my brain... :P<br><br>Very cool, though!</span>
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