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**!!Just Lookie!!**

Ok, well I have been really busy lately and need sort some stuff out in the "really" world XD<br><br>And with this comes me giving up a bunch of stuff (Nearly all of it)<br>Most of you know what I have in my kennels and there for I will not be setting any stuff up on this post.<br>I want all the kennels to be cleared, (except for those in which I wish to hold on too).<br>You will state why you want the dogs in my kennel and then you will state what you will offer for them, and if I like then I will acept.<br>- Please note the larger the amount of money does not always mean you will get what you want.<br><br>I do have unmade imports tho I will be holding those back unless I get privet offers.<br>But please do not bonbard me with offers and get in a strop if I do not replie quickly. Like I said I am busy and therefore not always online.<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; Maybe sell these, Conroys Thunder Storm Has been placed in every event, been showed in 130 events <br><br>Now please do this correctly or I will skip over your post.<br>
<br>1. I would Like to see your kennel Link -<br>2. I would Like to know your Player Name -<br>3- The dog you Would Likes Link -<br>4- The reason Why you Would Like this Dog -<br>5. What can you Offer -
<br><br>Only one dog per post, you must wait untill 3 people have posted after your last post untill you can post again.<br><br><br>- Also please note kennels will be for sale as soon as the kennels are emptyd


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