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rescue SOS

edited October 2008 in General Services
I want to make good use of my Rescue Kennel, so i want to help bring down the number of lowstated dogs. <br><br><br>So that's cool, but how you can help, is to let me know which breed needs help the most and i will try to rescue as many low stated dogs of that breed as i can.<br><br>If you know of any dogs that need to be rescued, post link and i will rescue them, if any other rescue kennel want to help go ahead<br><br>Lets help keep V.P from having bad stated dogs.<br><br>ok, but new people will juste keep breeding low stated dogs right?<br><br>Ah! yes but we can help by informing them and helping them <br><br>So if you come across a newbie breeding low stated dogs juste send them a messege telling them what they can do<br><br>Thanks and lets help V.P


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