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Gifties ((Just in time for Halloween)) 5 OAK

edited October 2008 in Auction
Okay buffy hasn't had an auction in a while so...<br><br>Im going to auction 2 pups for now and might add a third if i get some interest...<br><br>-There will NEVER be more than 5 of the color.<br>-The only two intact dogs will be mine and A-sap's (A-sap won't breed)<br>-Dogs will come <span style="color:red">Neutered</span><br>-I reserve all rights.<br><span style="color:red">MBI is 500k</span><br><br><br>Here we go.<br><br>Pup 1)<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>BINed<br><br>Pup 2)<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>Breed: Belgian Tervuron 9x4<br>Color: Skeletal Tree w/ Frost Bitten Mask <br><br>SB: 2mill Each<br>BIN: make me an offer<br>*Only accepting VPC and Approved Giftes.<br><br>High Bids:<br>Pup #1: BINed by Kyt<br>Pup #2: 2mill Aziu<br><br>Happy Halloween.<br><br>-Buffy :wink:
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