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My Party was a BLA-AAST!

<span style="font-size:92">I had fun on my happy birthday party xD<br>There were cupcakes, pizza, pop, and lots of chips and gummi worms/bears.<br>We were crazy... I think we pushed some neighbors over the edge :S<br><br>We walked down the street and guess what I wore?! THESE:<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Gotta love them stripes, eh?<br><br>Haha. Anyway, it was a sleepover, and we were all really hyper... especially my already-hyper-without-sugar friend... O.o You don't wanna know...<br><br>We took lots of pictures, too. Haha. I got a new DC* hoodie, too. And eyeliner, a soft-cuddly blanket, earrings, nail polish, backpack pins, etc, etc. That's all just from my three friends, too! I'm spoiled child >:D<br><br>And get this!<br>I got a brand new camera [I'm a photographer person xD] and it broke. The lense cover-things wouldn't... cover, so the lense would've gotten damaged. We took it back and they had none left. This was a nice, silver $70 digital camera that I loved D': Instead, since they had none left, they gave me a $140 digital camera! I ish so happy! It's high-tech, man. High tech. Haha!!<br><br>Plus,<br>the hair salon had no $114 straighteners, so they gave us a $280 straightener for... $114!!!!!!<br><br>I really lucked out on gifts this year:<br>$280 [$114] Straightener<br>$140 [$70] Dig. Camera<br>$50 gift card to the spa!!! Yays! Girly day!<br>$25 gift card for Warehouse One<br>Eyeliner, earrings, nail polish, makeup.<br>A soft, cuddly blankey!! o.o<br>Cherry pajamas :]<br>New boots O.O [lovely]<br>I nice shirt [top], very stylish<br>$400 in cash total. *LE GASP!!!*<br><br><br>I've already started spoilen the doggehs with ma cash.. Rotten pooches! Lol. They luffs me for it, though. I bought them a few dentabones for their teeth, too. And homemade, vet approved dog treats with Canadian and US ingredients only XD<br><br>And I gots myself some stuff, too.<br><br><br><br>I ish so happeh! :]</span>


  • smooth 8)
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • :o Dewd Iz jealous. xD <br>I didnt even know it was your birthday but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <br>Love the tights with the shoes, I do the same thing 'cept mine are black and green ;D<br><br>Glad you had fun :D
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    :o Dewd Iz jealous. xD <br>I didnt even know it was your birthday but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <br>Love the tights with the shoes, I do the same thing 'cept mine are black and green ;D<br><br>Glad you had fun :D
    <br><br><span style="font-size:84">Bwack and Gween? Weally?<br><br>omgawsh, I need those colors, too! Lol.<br><br>And thank you. It was happy indeed ^.^<br><br><br>Some [crazy] chick was laughing at my awesomeness striped socks... D: So I gave her a dirty look and glared xD Perhaps not the most mature way to deal with it, but it's dealt with! Haha. Crazy chick no like my socks, then crazy chick get no-likey glare XD</span>
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    :o Dewd Iz jealous. xD <br>I didnt even know it was your birthday but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <br>Love the tights with the shoes, I do the same thing 'cept mine are black and green ;D<br><br>Glad you had fun :D
    <br><br><span style="font-size:84">Bwack and Gween? Weally?<br><br>omgawsh, I need those colors, too! Lol.<br><br>And thank you. It was happy indeed ^.^<br><br><br>Some [crazy] chick was laughing at my awesomeness striped socks... D: So I gave her a dirty look and glared xD Perhaps not the most mature way to deal with it, but it's dealt with! Haha. Crazy chick no like my socks, then crazy chick get no-likey glare XD</span>
    <br><br><br>Lmao, I gots mine at Hot Topic. I went to Kroger in my 'Ninja outfit' If you'd like to see, just ask xD and everyone was like 'O.o -stare-' And I was skipping around the store readin a magazine with Slipknot on the front of it xD <br>The employees hate me there ;D<br>You sound just like me and Katoe x]
  • <span style="font-size:92">*jealous* I love black and white stripeys! But I has pink and blue ones AND lime greenish ones that is very bright. But!!!!</span><br>
    <span style="font-size:84"><br>Cherry pajamas :]</span>
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">:OO<br>I has cherry pajama pants too! xD</span>
  • <span style="font-size:92">:O That's uber cool! [Both the sox and the cherre pants!]</span>
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    Sybhat3 wrote:
    :o Dewd Iz jealous. xD <br>I didnt even know it was your birthday but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <br>Love the tights with the shoes, I do the same thing 'cept mine are black and green ;D<br><br>Glad you had fun :D
    <br><br><span style="font-size:84">Bwack and Gween? Weally?<br><br>omgawsh, I need those colors, too! Lol.<br><br>And thank you. It was happy indeed ^.^<br><br><br>Some [crazy] chick was laughing at my awesomeness striped socks... D: So I gave her a dirty look and glared xD Perhaps not the most mature way to deal with it, but it's dealt with! Haha. Crazy chick no like my socks, then crazy chick get no-likey glare XD</span>
    <br><br><br>Lmao, I gots mine at Hot Topic. I went to Kroger in my 'Ninja outfit' If you'd like to see, just ask xD and everyone was like 'O.o -stare-' And I was skipping around the store readin a magazine with Slipknot on the front of it xD <br>The employees hate me there ;D<br>You sound just like me and Katoe x]
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">xD I'm very... different. I express my mind and personality in my clothes. Therefore, if you like my clothes, maybe you'll like me.<br><br>I dunno... bad theory, but it's one. XD<br><br>I love clothes that no one else would ever think to wear... as long as it's me and I like it.</span>
  • Sybhat3 wrote:
    Sybhat3 wrote:
    :o Dewd Iz jealous. xD <br>I didnt even know it was your birthday but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <br>Love the tights with the shoes, I do the same thing 'cept mine are black and green ;D<br><br>Glad you had fun :D
    <br><br><span style="font-size:84">Bwack and Gween? Weally?<br><br>omgawsh, I need those colors, too! Lol.<br><br>And thank you. It was happy indeed ^.^<br><br><br>Some [crazy] chick was laughing at my awesomeness striped socks... D: So I gave her a dirty look and glared xD Perhaps not the most mature way to deal with it, but it's dealt with! Haha. Crazy chick no like my socks, then crazy chick get no-likey glare XD</span>
    <br><br><br>Lmao, I gots mine at Hot Topic. I went to Kroger in my 'Ninja outfit' If you'd like to see, just ask xD and everyone was like 'O.o -stare-' And I was skipping around the store readin a magazine with Slipknot on the front of it xD <br>The employees hate me there ;D<br>You sound just like me and Katoe x]
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">xD I'm very... different. I express my mind and personality in my clothes. Therefore, if you like my clothes, maybe you'll like me.<br><br>I dunno... bad theory, but it's one. XD<br><br>I love clothes that no one else would ever think to wear... as long as it's me and I like it.</span>
    <br><br>*giggle*<br>Me and Liz wear knee high socks with caprees or however you spell that. We also want zebra pants for Christmas. xD
  • Woah! You did make out good :shock: <br><br>Lol, Sandy, I have a zebra obsession too! I stayed up waay late last night drawing them <3 <br><br>Happy Belated Birfday!
    I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
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