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PotM Nominations: October

edited November 2008 in General Discussion
Howdy all :mrgreen:<br><br>As part of the Orbis World Newletter, we're going to be featuring a player of the month from every Orbis game.<br><br>The way we do this, is you fill out the following form with as much information as possible about the person you are nominating. Remember, not everyone knows the person you are nominating as well as you do.<br>Next, PM it to me. <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="color:red">DO NOT POST IT HERE!</span></span><br><br>A winner will be picked from a group of anonymous judges who frequent this game.<br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">Nomination form:</span></span></span><br><span style="color:red"><span style="font-style:italic">Player Name:<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen?<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else:<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: </span></span><br><br>A player can only be chosen once in 12 months. They will be ineligible to be nominated again. You can be nominated by any number of people and as many times (as long as you haven't won before ;))<br><br>For those <span style="text-decoration:underline">nominated</span>, can you please fill out the following form and post it <span style="font-weight:bold">here</span>:<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">Forum Name:<br>Player Name in Game:<br>Main Ranch Number:<br>Chat Names If Applicable: </span><br><br><span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="text-decoration:underline">Past Winners</span></span></span><br>(ineligible to be nominated again) <br><br>A-sap - August<br>Evlon - September<br><br>Thanks all, and start nominating ;) Don't forget to PM me the nomination for the player you would like to see as player of the month ;)


  • <span style="text-decoration:underline">Nominations</span><br><br>Player Name: Illume<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? Because she is very nice. SHe teched me how to train a dog and now i go about training a lot thanks to smartah. SH eanswered all my questions i asked and told me step by step. HS enever ignores anyone either<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: Teched me how to train<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: SHE ROCKS! SHE WILL HELP ANY ONE!!<br><br>
    <br><br>Player Name: Zoe<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen? A VP old timer, Zoe has helped out many generations of players. Entirely aside from being an op, she is a optumistic person who is always cheerful and helpful on chat no matter what is going on in her personal life. I am shocked that she has not being nominated before now! If sheleft VP I like the rest of the community would not know what to do without her. Luff her to death!!<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: Recent giving away of a sponsor account to a novice.<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: vote zoe!<br><br>Additional info:<br>Dunno if I'm allowed to do this, but I second the nomination of Zoe.<br>Reason: She helps out more players than anyone I can think of and she has the patience to deal with all sorts of people. She also happens to hold auctions/contests and actually finishes them, with winners, as planned. :] <br><br>
    <br><br>Player Name: Lizzu<br>Why do you feel this person deserves to be chosen?: I think Liz deserves to be chosen because she is an amazing friend. She helped me out when I was new by helping teach me how to play and even letting me use her sponsors when I was just a novice. All in all she is just a great friend.<br>Please provide examples of how this person has helped you or someone else: She let me use her sponsors when I was just a novice and helped me learn how to place the game better. :D<br>Any additional information that you think is important to know: She is my sunshine. xD<br><br>
    <br><br>Forum Name:val1507<br>Player Name in Game:val1507<br>Main Ranch Number: 69380<br>Why does this player deserve to be nominated: I have known this person for a number of charishable(sp?) years... This person has been the greatest friend to me. They try to keep to themselves but when asked for help, they don't fail. They strive to make VP better with each passing day. They are the ones who taught me almost everything I know. They made me the VP player I am today and I'm very thankful for that. This person is mature and very polite and and very calm. They help out w/ novices and sponsors in need. This person, hands down w/o a doubt, needs to be player of the month. They have been playing forever on this game and I think its about time someone, like val1507, gets recognized for being great and doing the right things. If she wins this challenge, there is no doubt that she will live up to what I have said about her. She has the kindest heart out there and a very sweat but calm personality. I truly hope she is picked to be Player of the Month.<br><br>Now examples: Just look at her rescue kennel... Every dog is nurtured. Read her layout and you'll see that she doesn't just rescue for cash. She rescues to prove an important point to all VP players... Nutured dogs can compete just as well as not nurtured ones.<br>Another example is the breeds she has made 10x4s w/:<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; First 10x4 Jack Russell Terrier<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; Second 10x4 Lapland Reindeer Dog<br>Those two breeds, she has helped me learn how to make my own breed better and better. I currently have the second 9x4 CWD on VP and the second 9x4 American Staghound (soon to be 10x4 Wink ) on VP.<br>Now if you look at her training kennel, you can see how much hard work and time and dedication she puts into training VP's dogs... She also give discounts to new or poor novices. Smile<br>Yet another example is all her studs... They are all fully trained and set at a good price to where not just any novice can get their hands on them and breed irresponsibly.<br><br>If you have any questions at all about my nomination or about the player, please don't hesitate to ask. I would REALLY love for her to win! She has helped me out soooo much and has done so much for me, this is a good way for me to pay her back. Very Happy<br><br>
    <br><br>Forum Name: rlr217<br>Player Name in Game: *Becca*<br>Main Ranch Number: 78998<br>Reason For Nomination: She is very nice, and a good friend. When i was a novice, she let me rent one of her training kennels, which i have always wanted and taught me how to train. She then sold me one for very cheap. She has bred the best greyhounds (no exageration, she bred the first 10x4 and bred the greyhound whom has the fasted birth speed. Most of the top racers are from her line) she also let me use her 10x4 stud for free, so i can get a amazing show dog Smile and that is why i think she should be player of the month!
  • :arrow: <br><br>Need more nominations!
  • nvermind
    22/100 mill so far
    I <3 Family Force 5!! on the hunt for another sponcer
  • Last bump, and therefore last few days to get your nomination for a player in before the winner for November is chosen!
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