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edited November 2008 in Auction
Alright, here he is:<br><br>dog: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>color: White Sheet W/Eyeholes Cut Out<br>current #: 3<br><br>Since its halloween I thought I should auction off a color like this :P<br><br>Now, you will be getting a pup from this dog.<br>The dog will be nuetered unless I trust/know you.<br>I am not letting out anymore pups of this color.<br><br>SB: 1mil<br>BIN: 8mil<br>RB: not met<br><br>HB: 4mil-Kesra<br><br>If the dog does not reach my reserve bid, then I won't sell.<br><br>Ruffles


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