Im currently renting a sponcer training, and so know what it feels like to be a novice! so im creating a giveaway! please fill in the questionaire below, and i will announce the winners!<br><br>Kennel Name *:<br>Player Name *:<br>Kennel Link *:<br>Why You Think You Should Be Chosen:<br>Services You Have *:<br>Examples Of Services (if you have any):<br><br>* means required fields<br><br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">Prizes!</span></span></span><br><br>1st = 100k, A Full Training W/O Aggro, A fully trained dog (of most common breeds) A Banner Or Siggy and a hand-drawn pic!<br>2nd = 25k, A Full Training W/O Aggro, Hand Drawn Pic or siggy or banner!<br>3rd =10k, Skill OR Stat Max, Banner or Siggy<br>4th = 5k, Skill Max, Banner Or Siggy<br>5th = 2k, Skill Max Or Banner Or Siggy!<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold"><br>Entries</span></span></span><br><br>sk8ter chick 4ever <br>Doberman212<br><br><br>*Sponcers Who Also Wish To Help Please PM Me On Here!*<br>*Lots Of People Have Viewed This But Not Entered! Its Free So Why Not?
Dunkey Champions
Hope everyone enjoys 2009!