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A Herding & Working Background

<span style="font-size:100">Okay, well, I have two dogs, as lots of people know. One is Max, my Australian Kelpie/Shetland Sheepdog, and the other is Molly, my Pit Bull/Rhodesian Ridgeback. They've each got a different background. Max is all herding, and I know that for a fact [he herds Molly around like she's a big builded cow or something]. Molly has the working background, maybe a little hunting from the Rhodie, but definitely working. She's part Pit, so she'll do whatever to please you even if she's already exhausted [which I have to be careful of, because I never know when she's tired or not].<br><br>I need exercises for them. I'm pretty good with the basic hour or half hour walks, but they need more than that, I'm finding. Max goes berserk over anything if his walks are postponed or replaced with Molly's walk. He'll act up a lot, and that's fine, he deserves his walks. I give them to him, but I think I could do a more practical exercise with him that also brings out his herding background. I'm not sure exactly what, and that's what I'm getting at. What could I do with him that'd make him bring out his herding background? What sort of exercised would be good? He likes to chase squirrels, but that's no exercise, and also a bad habit I'm trying to break. :/<br><br>Molly is pretty good if she misses a walk since she loves to be out in the yard alone anyways, but she still gets her exercise anyhow. She likes to drag sticks around [mind you, she's dragging Max on the other end xD] and pull at ropes. We don't have any wagons for her to try and pull [this would be good for her, lots of exercise and its healthy] but, again, we have nothing. I'm thinking of building a cart for her, but I'm still on the thought. Is there any other way to bring out her working instinct? To get her to enjoy exercises in the working category? I know her breeds aren't exactly in that category, but her mind sure is. And I know my dog.<br><br>If you've got any ideas, please share, I'd love to make my dog's exercises happier and healthier. ;]</span>
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