<span style="font-size:75">well while being in school you get bored very easily of course xD so why not pass the one hour and thirty minutes of class by writing on my favorite website in the world? =] first up i'd like to say that i am missing everyone here, even those i dont know =] because i'm just unbelievably friendly.... ANYWAYS, Since i have all this free time constantly, might as well update my friend list of vp right? sooo<br><br><br> Even if were not good friend or if i dont know you and you want to be my friend, please post your name for me to call you buy (nickname or not) and your kennel link =] to look at my kennel just click the botton at the bottom of my forum account =]<br><br> thanks!<br><br> -<3-<br><br> Akena =]</span>
10.31.10 ❤</span></div>