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Set One <span style="font-size:75">These questions are now no longer able to be answered.</span> <br><br>1. "O it is a wonderful thing to want the <span style="text-decoration:underline">Doctor</span>" The Pearl By John Stienbeck <span style="font-size:75"><For this question I got it from a book I was reading in 10th grade. All you have to do is finish the quote.</span> <span style="font-size:59">Hint: The first name of the author is John</span><br><span style="color:green">- No One <br>- No One<br>- No One</span><br>1.Prize = 70K VPC<br><br>2. What is the only three letter word that starts with a C and does not have a vowl? <span style="text-decoration:underline">Cry</span> <span style="font-size:75">< For this question just simply Message me the answer.</span> <span style="font-size:59">Hint Y is not a vowl</span><br><span style="color:darkred">- Native_Serendipity <br>- Soccer17MVP<br>- Meeko</span><br>2.Prize = 60K VPC<br><br>3. Orbis Games has Five turn bassed game sights Virtual Pups, Virtual Horse Ranch, Sand Box Farm, Virtual Horse Ranch II and <span style="text-decoration:underline">Legendera</span> <span style="font-size:75"><For this you have to Message me that fith game.</span><br><span style="color:Darkred">- Midnight-star<br>- Ryder<br>- Soccer17MVP</span><br>3.Prize = 80K VPC<br><br>4. What happens once in a year, twice in a week, once in a minute and never in a month? The letter <span style="text-decoration:underline">E</span> <span style="font-size:75">< For this question just simply Message me the answer.</span><br><span style="color:Darkred">- Pride21 <br>- Ryder1</span><br><span style="color:darkred">- Native_Serendipity</span><br>4.Prize = 60K VPC<br><br>5. What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three legs in the night? <span style="text-decoration:underline">Human</span> <span style="font-size:75">< For this question just simply Message me the</span> answer.<br><span style="color:Darkred">- Ryder1 <br>- History Maker<br>- Native_Serendipity</span><br>5.Prize = 60K VPC<br><br>6. What are the four W's? <span style="text-decoration:underline">Were, what when, why</span> <span style="font-size:75">< For this question just simply Message me the answer.</span><br><span style="color:darkred">- Ryder1 <br>- Meeko<br>- Rosy</span><br>6.Prize = 50K VPC<br><br>7. Phantasmagoria - what does it mean? You also have to use the word in a sentence (or paragraph) <span style="font-size:75">< The amount of VPC that I will offer to you will depend on how well I like your answer.</span><br><span style="color:darkred">- Rosy<br>- Foxy123<br>- Native_Serendipity </span><br>7.Prize = 50K - 250K VPC<br><br>8. What is my name in real life? <span style="text-decoration:underline">Trillian</span> <span style="font-size:75"><Ok this one is easy, but I had to add it </span><br><span style="color:darkred">- Native_Serendipity<br>Meeko</span><br><span style="color:Darkred">- Ryder1</span><br>8.Prize = 60K VPC
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